Even if you've been away from Jehovah's Witnesses for years, do you still find yourself "under the influence"?
Are You Still Influenced By The Watchtower Society?
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
If I meet them on the street, I automatically go the other way. If they knock at my door, I don't answer. If I see them in a restaurant at break time, I go to another restaurant.
So in a way, I'm still influenced by them.
next time they come to your door, ask them about all the sexual abuse that you have seen on television lately. Talk about having no answers....
Interesting question. Influenced? Anyone who has spent time with JWs has been influenced. Still influenced? For some, I'm sure they have put it away and moved on but I'd say that anyone who frequents this board and posts/reads it, they are still influenced. Not that we believe or partake in their way of belief or whatever, but we come here for a reason. If we were not influenced, then we wouldn't bother coming here to vent/heal/research. For me, I have family in but I am completely inactive, going to one or two meetings every couple of months. I am met with situations that reflect upon my family still being active but me being inactive. That influences even everyday things that I do or say. I would love to open my mouth and slam the WTS, but I don't. I keep the peace. That is from influence of my family being in. I wish that I could walk away and never look back. If I had no family in, I could easily do it. But I can't and I won't turn my back on my family nor will I let someone else come between me and my family. So I stay under the radar though inactive and deal with the controversies as they arise.
That influences even everyday things that I do or say. I would love to open my mouth and slam the WTS, but I don't. I keep the peace
Many of us are in the same position, undercover.
Influenced? Yes of course, thats why my evenings are spent on this board . I spend more time mentally reviewing their beliefs then ever I did when I was active. It is a passion, and after a wasted life in the borg I guess I am incontravertably influenced now
In no way, shape or fashion would I allow the Watchtower Society and the organization known as Jehovah's Witnesses dictate how I live my life.
They hold no power over me and possess no ability to instruct me on how I should dress, what I should watch, what I should listen to, my sexual preferences, or any of my beliefs.
If they have any impact on my life, it is a positive one in that now I take the time and effort to expose them for frauds and prevent other individuals from being ensnared by the evil intentions of such a destructive cult.
If they have any impact on my life, it is a positive one in that now I take the time and effort to expose them for frauds and prevent other individuals from being ensnared by the evil intentions of such a destructive cult.
That's kinda my point. They have influenced us and are continuing to do so. If we weren't influenced by them in anyway, we would not be here nor would we "take the time and effort to expose them...". Not that they like this influence that they have made, in fact they go out of their way to try to shut up those have been influenced the way we have been.
I believe that anyone that's ever been a Witness will have to deal with that scar for the rest of one's life. It's like formerly being in the Mafia. You always know your past and know that someday it might catch up to you.
Your absolutely right undercover. Until you phrased it that way I had not considered that.
I agree that the WTS will have an impact on individuals long after they have left the cult.
I suppose I should clarify my position. I do not allow their doctrine or practices to influence my choices, even if my once being a member has affected me to the point that I now act proactively to prevent other people from becoming Jehovah's Witnesses and suffering the same fate.