That's a question I've been contemplating lately.
Do You Expect To See Your Loved Ones In The Resurrection?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
What resurrection?
They'll be there, lamenting the fact that I was killed at Armgeddon.
Being out of the JW's, I don't know what to believe anymore. They had their way of seeing things, maybe right maybe wrong, but now I don't even expect to live and see anything other than birds eating me up at Armageddon.
I'm only saying this because this is what witnesses want me to believe.
You still believe in the JW resurrection theory? Well, I do not. I hope that there is an after-life, but I'm not at all concerned with it.
Couldn't help but notice that there's quiet a few folk still holding on to various WT teachings. Look guys, they can't be false prophets, pederasts, and cultic all at the same time and STILL be regarded as having a legitimate "theology." We are all familiar with their doctrinal flip-flops, their theological U-turns, and - well - the general bullshit that passes for some reason as a religion.
SO. There isn't going to be any armageddon - ever. If armageddon was true, then so is the theory of the "annointed" and "great crowd" and a bunch of other shit connected to it.
AND. There certainly seems to be every reason to believe in a general resurrection, but not the one that the JWs preach. The WTBTS seems never to have stopped long enough to consider the great problems of a world full of perfected people, with exponentiating spirituality marooned forever on this tiny world. I mean, after the world has been a perfect garden for several generations, then what? And we're going to be here "forever"? Come on, our sun is going to go red giant in only another four or five billion years, turning all the inner planets into little krispy kritters. Or maybe supernova. However, it's size and mass indicate red giant. Four or five billion years is a long time, but it isn't nearly as long as forever. So we get to stand around and watch all that hard work with which we've worked hard burn up and us with it? Yes, there will be a resurrection, but not to a life on this planet. And who is going to receive this resurrection? Just JWs? Please. Everyone will be resurrected: JWs, Catholics, Taoists, Hindu, Islamists, Holy Roller, athiest, agnostic and all the rest. THEN we will receive instruction on the real and true skinny. And it ain't gonna be JW-ism. Likely it will be the religion OF Jesus, as opposed to the religion ABOUT Jesus. I'm looking forward to it actually.
P.S. Izzat you Stinky? Niiiiiiiiice!
sKally, i don't even expect to see them IN THIS EFFIN' LIFE!!! klass
Hey mini... I got a serious one for ya: PAPER OR PLASTIC DUDE?!
Despite what the entire JW theory's are the bible still says Those in the memorial tombs will hear Jesus voice and come out of thier graves. (sorry for the lack of actual quote, I am at work without a bible). I hope to see my friends and family there, but only god can read hearts and that will be his decision. Who can predict?
Who can predict?
Obviously not the WTBTS....let us count the # of times they have predicted the *end*:
How many times can they be wrong? The new light does not exist. It was always a burned out bulb that they twisted and turned to try to prove to the *flock* that they are inspired.
BTW, unique1, I have a bridge to sell you....
This is something that hit me a while ago.
When you loose someone while your in the 'troof' although your obviously devastated but the whole thing surrounding you is that you have the hope of the resurrection.
After my grandad died, the thing I always thought about was what was written on his headstone 'we await your return'.
A few months ago it suddenly struck me that that I personally couldnt beleive in a resurrection in the sense we were taught to believe and it made me feel like I had lost a part of him all over again, and I grieved for him again.
Hope this makes sense, its something I had thought about making a post about at the time but gave up on because I felt like I wasnt expressing myself right and getting the point across how I wanted .