Don't you just love LITERATURE truths?

by BoogerMan 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BoogerMan

    As JW's we swallowed such concoctions for years - without a single Scripture provided as proof!

    w71 12/15 p. 759 - "Apparently, the apostle Peter was the chairman of the governing body on the festival day of Pentecost of 33 C.E., and the disciple James, the half brother of Jesus Christ, was the chairman at a later date, according to the account in Acts of Apostles. From this, and from what historical evidence there is available, the chairmanship of the governing body rotated."

    Can someone point me to the to the account in Acts of Apostles - I'm having trouble finding it! 🤣

  • Biahi

    Don’t you get it? EVIDENTLY, this is the TRUTH!

  • Ron.W.


    When pioneering I hated all the statements they made without a single scripture to back them up..

    I was asked on a bible study to show where the bible says the cut off date from partaking of the emblems at the memorial was 1935 - I remember thinking, 'This 1935 teaching of ours is utter shite!" Yet I still tried (in vain) to prove it to my study.

    My study was a well educated lady. She looked at me with a mixture of pity, sympathy and disgust..

  • BluesBrother

    Implied here

    Acts 12 .17

    16 “”But Peter remained there, knocking. When they opened the door, they saw him and were astonished. 17 But he motioned to them with his hand to be silent and told them in detail how Jehovah had brought him out of the prison, and he said: “Report these things to James+ and the brothers.” With that he went out and traveled to another place“

    Be that as it may…. I always regretted the ending of the congregation BoEs having a rotating chairman. It always worked well where I was , it gave bros. experience and stopped one man having “ my congregation “

  • Journeyman
    ...I hated all the statements they made without a single scripture to back them up..

    There were always so many weaselly statements like "evidently", "apparently", "it would appear", etc, that the Society would use to fill in when the Bible wasn't explicit about something but they wanted to draw their own conclusions.

    I notice the Org today uses these phrases less often, but in some ways they're almost worse now as they just simply assert things without even using those passive "alarm" phrases that the wary can watch out for.

    I always regretted the ending of the congregation BoEs having a rotating chairman. It always worked well where I was , it gave bros. experience and stopped one man having “my congregation

    Yes, of the three options - a single congregation elder/servant, a body led permanently by one elder, or a body led by a rotation of elders - the latter is the least likely to allow endemic corruption or "rule" by one man. As you say, it also shares knowledge and experience. Funny how anything that seems a more sensible idea often gets strangled out of the organisation over time!

  • HereIam60

    I never read that particular WatchTower quote before… but my immediate reaction… I thought the Christian Congregation did not ‘officially’ come into being until Holy Spirit was poured out on Christ’s disciples at Pentecost 33 CE….How could it even have had an existing functioning Governing Body?

  • Rattigan350

    The apostles and older men there were not acting as a governing body. They were not seeking or making new rules or laws.

  • Longlivetherenegades

    Loool @ Rattigan350

  • JW_Rogue

    The entire "Imitate their Faith" book was based on speculation and conjecture. They would just make something up to make the point that they wanted because these bible characters aren't deep or interesting at all. Or the "Isaiah's Prophecy" books which tried to make every prophecy have a double fulfillment to the point that it just became absurd and boring at the same time. They can't help themselves because they need to keep up the illusion that they have some hidden knowlegde the rest of the religions have overlooked.

  • blondie

    Boogerman, just try to find "governing body" in the bible, too. That quote was from 1971 when the WTS formed a new version of the "Governing body," Used to be the members on the board of directors. I forgot that point. Also the circuit overseer was viewed as one of the elders, not above them. Also, "governing body" was not capitalized until WT 12/15/1971 p.755

    • A Governing Body as Different from a Legal Corporation


      It was as to what the relationship is between the Board of Directors of the Society as a legal corporation and the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses.

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