Isn't the term Governing Body borrowed from British government oversight?
Don't you just love LITERATURE truths?
by BoogerMan 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
I think it is a legal term from US Corporations
The entire "Imitate their Faith" book was based on speculation and conjecture. They would just make something up to make the point that they wanted because these bible characters aren't deep or interesting at all.
That book really wound me up. Personally, I think that it could have been interesting as some (maybe not all) of the characters they chose could make interesting stories.
My problem wasn't with that, it was with the constant speculation disguised as "fact". The trouble with picking characters about whom little is said apart from perhaps one specific story/lesson, is that there is not enough source material to make an entire chapter that can cover a one-hour study session.
One possible solution to that is to make the material more of a discussion along the lines of: "what could s/he have been thinking? A or B? How would you feel in a similar position? What if s/he had chosen to do X instead of Y?" That approach would have stimulated the thinking and the imagination of the audience too.
But no - the GB being who they are, they had to make bald statements of FACT - "this means this" or "this is because of that" - often with little or no supporting evidence.
Plus of course, sowing in their favourite themes like:
"This situation shows the wisdom of obeying those who take the lead" or
"This account shows how we must never question the direction we receive" etc, etc!
They play the same tricks with the videos they make too. Often there is insufficient background in the Scriptures for them to make full-length movie detail, but they just make up "facts" to fit, like the ridiculous "invention" of a sister for Jonah, when the Bible is silent about his family.The whole thing is then made worse by the fact the R&F are taught to think everything from the GB is 100% real, so they start quoting these fictitious events and "facts" as if they were "gospel" (if you'll pardon the pun!)
The same happens with the artists' impressions in the WT and other literature, that are treated as if they were newsreel footage and eyewitness photos!
One possible solution to that is to make the material more of a discussion along the lines of: "what could s/he have been thinking? A or B? How would you feel in a similar position? What if s/he had chosen to do X instead of Y?" That approach would have stimulated the thinking and the imagination of the audience too.
The last ting they would want is JWs speaking freely from their own thoughts and imaginations. They have even cut out talks without outlines, they used to have talks with just one scripture and a theme. They would give these talks to Ministerial Servants or experienced brothers, now everything is outlined in the CLAM point by point. I was also informed that Public Talks were graded not based on speaking ability but how well one sticks to the WT outline. Basically, the perfect WT Public Talk has one original illustration and the rest is just the outline.