New here

by AdamCzarnobay 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • AdamCzarnobay

    I left the organization in 2017.

    Was in several congregations in the north West of England.

    I just wanted to say thank you to all of you that have posted on here over the years, it really helped me to see the truth about the organization. I lurked here for many years under an anonymous login and then finally plucked up the courage to write my disassociation letter.


  • peacefulpete


  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Good for you Adam. Looking forward to hearing about your next stop on your freedom train.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Hello & a hearty welcome to the forum.

    Be free to talk anytime.

  • AtLeastImNot

    Welcome! This site was what helped me as well. Thanks to Simon for keeping it going.

  • Ding


    What was it that convinced you the Watchtower religion isn't the truth as it claims to be?

  • AdamCzarnobay

    Ding, in answer to your question.

    My initial suspicions were raised when the music began to be changed in around 2009. It made me wonder if watchtower was trying to provoke more of an emotional response from followers because something else was amiss.

    That led me down a long and initially confusing path of independent research and verification of facts.

    We were always told at meetings that our contributions were being used to build kingdom halls and educate people in bible truth. Once I saw proof that my contributions were partly being used as out of court settlements to payoff people that had been abused due to the negligence of the organization I knew I had to leave.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    Did you leave Jehovah too?

  • AdamCzarnobay

    A Watcher in answer to your question i would describe myself now as an agnostic. I really am not intelligent enough to work out if there is a higher power[s]!

  • Dagney

    Welcome! It's interesting what triggers our intuition about things.

    Congratulations on your journey to freedom and enjoy!

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