New here

by AdamCzarnobay 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • NotFormer

    "My initial suspicions were raised when the music began to be changed in around 2009. It made me wonder if watchtower was trying to provoke more of an emotional response from followers because something else was amiss"

    Wow, that's pretty impressive! That you intuitively felt that their "fiddling with the settings" on peripheral aspects of the religion might be to divert attention away from something deeper. That's some sophisticated thinking right there!

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Welcome on board, North West of England too here, if you want to meet or facetime PM me

  • polish clarinet
    polish clarinet

    I left them 6 ou 7 years ago. This place brought me a lot of help, in addition with Lloyd Evans. Both helped me to put word on what I was feeling for years and years : this whole thing was a trap !

    Now I feel so good (I would say better and better) as I see this organisation sinking.

    I was licky to be alone in this "spiritual family" so I lost so few...

  • Vanderhoven7

    Welcome aboard Adam! I agree that this forum has helped open the eyes of many.

  • Gorb


  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Welcome from the south of England…isle of Wight

  • Phizzy

    Welcome Adam !

    It really warms my heart to hear of yet another person who has started walking on the Road to Freedom, the greatest freedom you will find along the way is Freedom of Mind ! That is to be cherished, and used.

    "A Watcher" asked "Did you leave Jehovah too ?" my answer to that is "You cannot leave an Imaginary Fictional Character", which upsets believers, sorry believers, but I would rather live in the Real World, than remain deluded in any way.

    All gods were invented by men. In the case of YHWH/Yahweh/Jehovah, we know when in History he was invented, and by which peoples, who introduced him to the Israelites.

    May all go well with you in your new Free Life !

  • WingCommander

    Welcome, and congrats on your freedom!

  • jhine

    Welcome from the Midlands.

    Jan from Tam

  • Longlivetherenegades

    Welcome and happy to see you drop that disassociation letter. That disassociation letter (medicine) of theirs is never palatable to their taste whenever any member leaving go down that route.

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