The sad thing about this money-grabbing and Kingdom Hall consolidations is that the few JWs I know are oblivious and gullible enough to believe anything.
I feel all the thinking people in the Witness religion are either OUT or they are heading for the door....The rest aren't going anywhere no matter what the religion does, teaches, or morphs into.
The Witnesses left are either: (1) too old to start over, (2) the mentally ill who cannot bear to think about anything, (3) those trapped because of family and/or financial dependence, (4) also those in a news blackout and know very little about their stupid religion. If they ever found out TTATT they could fall into categories 1, 2, 3 and not want to leave!
I have resigned myself to the fact that at least I am out and free, but my few JW "friends" can stay there! I'm not interested in dragging anybody out unless they were a family member, only because I know how damaging this religion is.