I wasn't surprised they didn't go online, I was shocked. The perfect opportunity handed in a silver plate. More time goes, more proof coming they took wrong decision going back to hall's. Going online would have solved child abuse cases. No in fighting about beards, pants or no tie. Just tell JWs that it would be common sense not worrying about things like that if meetings are online. No need too come up with if you should say hi too DF people or not. No need forbidden sisters using mics. No need for using younger and younger elders. Now it's gonna be harder too explain massive hall sell going on and coming. Going online in future probably gonna create massive irritation among JWs. Their ability too take wrong decisions is really weird. Don't know if it's because infight among GB members. They don't like taking hard decisions. Could be life in the bunker have detached them from reality. Would this be a regular company, they would have lost their Jobs long ago.
Why didn't Watchtower go online with covid?
by Hellothere 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
road to nowhere
The webelows took advantage by missing meetings, blanking cameras, no door to door. Still trying to regain control.
No physical congregation would mean even fewer and smaller contributions
" No physical congregation would mean even fewer and smaller contributions"
You mean in Africa? I live in Europe. Haven't used regular money for years. Everything is done digital. No need for contribution boxes. Plus they gonna get far more from selling halls then any contribution.
It's all digital these days, even in the mainstream churches. But I imagine that there's a better chance to guilt people into dropping a bit more into the contribution box if they're physically present. It's probably some psychological principle of which the WT is well aware.
Is trolley/cart ministry for the privileged few? I see a few people manning those in town. At the Sunday market two days ago I saw a rather substantial group gathered around the "Free Bible Course" sign. I haven't seen anyone door to door for a few months, though.
I wondered back in the 90s why we still knocked on doors. Either people got angry or they pretended not being at home. JWs were doing less and less d2d work before covid. I think today its just too dangerous going around knocking on doors.
In-person attendance and activity are still the most effective methods of ensuring any group’s internal cohesion and solidarity…
…the number of folks who used Covid and Zoom to fade revealed that there were way more PIMIs than the Org or the XJW community had previously anticipated…
…which would have been cause for alarm.
While the WTS may still intend to transition into an e-church, projections based on that information likely indicated that whatever rearrangement of their assets necessary to accomplish that goal (cough*realestate*cough) weren’t established enough for said transition to be successful and sustainable.
The larger problem is the insular approach they take, where you are expected to avoid friendships and keep 'worldly' people at arm's length. If your religious meetings are all done via Zoom, you lose the sense of community that churches provide for so many people. And since JWs prefer to limit their social interaction to other JWs as much as possible, they are effectively cut off from any community or social interaction.
Since they are easing up on reporting requirements for preaching and on how preaching is done (more carts, less D2D), I wonder if they even need the weekly service meeting anymore. A two-hour meeting on a weekend morning featuring a public talk and Watchtower study would make things a bit less stressful for the rank and file. Combine that with allowing them to have normal social lives, and you might find that KHs are full all the time.
Why didn't Watchtower go online with covid?
The Governing Body is made up of what? About 8 or 9 old white men who have no more than a high school diploma, maybe not even that.
They inherited a Corporation worth Billions. They have no education on financial, legal, or business matters. They have no quickness and accuracy in decision making. They are not business savvy. They are not perceptive and shrewd in planning for the future. They are deficient on judgment or insight.
Everything they do is the result of a reaction to legal assaults by different Countries for their outdated policies like shunning, covering up child sexual abuse for the sake of Jehovah’s name not being smeared.
Everything is happening so fast for them, that they are don’t really know what to do. Legal forces are forcing them to act a certain way. The beard, the women’s pants, the greeting DF person in the Kingdom hall, is not something they planned to do to keep people in. It’s something they were forced to do to alleviate the legal assaults in the courtrooms that has led to millions of dollars lost in failed court cases.
All they are doing now is trying to survive and finding other ways of making money besides selling religious Hope to indoctrinated members.
Beth Sarim
This is a result of the Borg always being reactionary. Instead of proactive
We saw it at the outbreak of the pandemic.
What Liam said.
The bumbling fools are constantly in CYA mode. I suspect they could not come to a 2/3 consensus when it was discussed every Wednesday. Fearful of making a wrong decision, they made NO decision and thus they continue to limp along still thinking God will protect them.