Donated Blood Today

by SpunkyChick 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpunkyChick
    Well done's also good for ya

    Thanks Toddy! I heard that...helps the body make some fresh blood! There's a new slogan for leaving the's better for your health! hehehe


    Folks, I can tell you this, at least from my own inquiries up here in Canada, that the blood clinics are incredibly strict and just won't let anyone donate blood.

    For me, I knew my blood type etc., but I had tattoo work done, so they would not let me donate.

    My blood pressure was a bit high: wouldn't let me.

    There were some personal questions ( you know the ones ), and I answered honestly, thus I was eliminated, even though I had had some very specific tests done to prove otherwise, which in a way was too bad, but oh well. The blood type I had was rare, and they were so disappointed they could not use it.

    But it's helpful to know, the blood clinics are very strict and they'll put you through more than just the 40 questions. It's quite intense, they're very shrewd and skillful.

    Again, Spunkychick: good for you! You never know who you've helped, or if your blood may be used for some important hemotology studies. All good!

    Take care, if you can do it, do it.

    I take my hat off to you in respect.

  • DanTheMan

    Good Job! I donated blood for the first time last November. I tried again this past March, but I started to feel faint and I made them stop. I was kinda bummed about it for the rest of the day.

    Now voting is another matter, still haven't gotten around to that. But Jerry Springer (yes Jerry Springer, former mayor of Cincinnati and currently host of notorious daytime talk show) may be running against George Voinovich for the U.S. Senate in '04 (Ohio). That oughta bring out the vote!

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Giving the gift of life.... well done Spunky !

  • JH

    I never did give blood, but I guess it must be good for your health to do so. Your body replaces that blood in no time. It also does wonders for the one who receives the blood.

    Glad to see you will be voting. I haven't done that either yet.

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