Donated Blood Today

by SpunkyChick 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpunkyChick

    Today was yet another step towards my freedom from the cult! My parents and I donated our first pint of blood! It felt great. Can't wait for election time....

  • SixofNine

    *holds up sign language "A" for apostate power fist*

    If Jehovah existed, he would be proud of you for donating this amazing life saving gift of yourself.

  • blacksheep

    Whoo Hoo! That first election WILL feel good. Congratulations!

    RAYZORBLADE really fit your name don't you?

    One big step after leaving the Borg. It's also something that has the potential to impact people in a positive way: maybe even save a life.

    I had a thread a long while back asking people about their blood types. When I was a JW, I never found out, nor cared...thought I would never need to know, since having a transfusion was forbidden. Such dated thinking.

    Good for you Spunkchick and parents.

    One big step forward .

  • Francois

    Well, Spunky Chick, I can't donate blood because I've had malignant melanoma and the medical community can't decide if that's transmissible via blood transfusion.

    BUT, I have had transfusions. Three units of whole blood in one day. Saved my life, it did. And I haven't had the least urge to turn into a bank robber, or a slut on a barstool, or one of any number of things portended by the Borg.

    They're just idiots, that's all.


  • Reborn2002
    They're just idiots, that's all.

    I couldn't agree more Francois.

    Any organization that values the symbolism of life as more important than life itself obviously has their priorities screwed up.

    Or as you stated, to insinuate that a blood transfusion somehow alters one's personality, as seen in this literature distributed by the Watchtower Society:

    *** Watchtower 1961 September 15 pp.563-564 ***


    15 Those who are more inclined to rest their confidence in the learning of men than in the wisdom of God may feel that the care exercised in the selection of blood donors makes it possible to avoid all these dangers. But consider the facts. It will probably shock you to learn that the blood of dead people is being transfused into the bodies of hospital patients, but reports from Russia and Spain show that it is exactly what is done there; and even in the United States of America experiments have been conducted with transfusion of cadaver blood! Of course, that probably is not the practice in your community. But the magazine Time as of May 26, 1961, reports the case of a 49-year-old woman in the Pontiac General Hospital who was given two pints of blood from the cadaver of a 12-year-old boy who had drowned in a nearby lake and who had been dead from two and a half to three hours. Also, that as long ago as 1935 a doctor in a Chicago suburb had used a technique like that of the Russians, and that this American doctor accounted for about thirty-five cadaver-blood transfusions in two years. Perhaps the donor is one’s own living relative, a reputable, clean-living individual. Does that assure safety? No; it will not remove the danger of a reaction due to incompatibility; nor does it guarantee that the individual may not be the carrier of some disease, perhaps even unknown to himself. In most cases, however, one who receives blood has no idea who the donor is. Some of it may come from healthy persons; some from alcoholics and degenerates. Criminals in jail are given the opportunity to donate their blood. For example, the New York Times of April 6, 1961, reported: "Inmates of Sing Sing Prison at Ossining will give blood to the Red Cross today." A commendable act? Perhaps not as beneficial to their fellow men as the community is led to believe.

    16 When the Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land, Jehovah moved Moses to repeat to them his law forbidding the consumption of blood. As recorded at Deuteronomy 12:25, he said: "You must not eat it, in order that it may go well with you and your sons after you, because you will do what is right in Jehovah’s eyes." An edition of the Pentateuch edited by J. H. Hertz has a footnote on that expression "that it may go well with you," which says: "Ibn Ezra suggests that the use of blood would have a demoralising effect upon the moral and physical nature, and pass on a hereditary taint to future generations." The point is an interesting one, and that it may apply in the matter of blood transfusions is testified to by medical doctors. For example, in his book Who Is Your Doctor and Why? Doctor Alonzo Jay Shadman says: "The blood in any person is in reality the person himself. It contains all the peculiarities of the individual from whence it comes. This includes hereditary taints, disease susceptibilities, poisons due to personal living, eating and drinking habits. . . . The poisons that produce the impulse to commit suicide, murder, or steal are in the blood." And Dr. Américo Valério, Brazilian doctor and surgeon for over forty years, agrees. "Moral insanity, sexual perversions, repression, inferiority complexes, petty crimes—these often follow in the wake of blood transfusion," he says. Yet it is acknowledged in the public press that organizations whose blood supply is considered reliable obtain blood for transfusion from criminals who are known to have such characteristics. Certainly no one who is trying to depart from the works of the flesh and use his life in the way that God directs through his Word is going to lay himself open to such a ruinous future.—Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:22-24.

    [Emphasis Added]

    or how about the kids who die because of the Watchtower cult?

    *** Awake! 1994 May 22 p.2 ***

    Youths Who Put God First 3-15

    In former times thousands of youths died for putting God first. They are still doing it, only today the drama is played out in hospitals and courtrooms, with blood transfusions the issue.

    [Emphasis Added]

    Good for you Spunkychick. That is one step forward in showing yourself and the world you are no longer controlled by the Jehovah's Witness cult. Congratulations, and may you find a thousand more ways to be happy and defy that which you once obeyed naively.

  • aunthill

    Congratulations, Spunkychick! Donating blood was a BIG step in freedom from the bOrg. Voting is neat, too!

    Welcome to the Land of the Free!


  • Francois

    "The blood in any person is in reality the person himself. It contains all the peculiarities of the individual from whence it comes. This includes hereditary taints, disease susceptibilities, poisons due to personal living, eating and drinking habits. . . . The poisons that produce the impulse to commit suicide, murder, or steal are in the blood." And Dr. Américo Valério, Brazilian doctor and surgeon for over forty years, agrees. "Moral insanity, sexual perversions, repression, inferiority complexes, petty crimes—these often follow in the wake of blood transfusion,"

    You know, you can get some doctor somewhere to say just about anything in support of something you want to "prove" as correct. I would like to take a close look at the actual credentials of these doctors. And I would like to see if they were more apt to testify in support of some boneheaded theory if I were to grease their palms with a little coin of the realm.

    Apparently the WT Society is far too dense to realize that Moses had substituted the ritual sacrifice of animals and included all the proscriptions on blood in order to keep the savage, illiterate Hebrews from returning to human sacrifice which they had practiced for time out of mind. There is just NO EXCUSE for a continuation of this killing absurdity to be forced upon people who, we might say, are intellectually challenged. I personally think we should change our laws to make such idiotic religious laws tantamount to an indictment for murder...mainly because that's what it is.


  • SpunkyChick

    Thanks everyone for your responses!

    Reborn2002 - Thank you for the interesting article and pointing out yet another ludicrous belief of the JW's.

    Francios - I am very happy to hear your transfusions helped your health!

  • toddy

    Well done's also good for ya

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