My wife and I have begun our fade
by James Jack 49 Replies latest jw experiences
Very true Giodano! We are all born to die. If Jesus died AND he defeated death, should stand to reason that we too would have to die...just like every other thing that has ever lived.
James Jack7 hours ago
I was always wired to live, not die. The thought of dying had never been in my vocabulary and scares the sh_t out of me!
Some day you'll laugh at yourself for thinking that you would never die. Such a dishonest and destructive cult...
Go forward with freedom
My grandpa, a good elder, died at 85 after a miserable life with diabetes. He held my hand as he sat there with one leg cut off and told me he never expected to be in this condition, but would be marching triumphantly into the new world. Poor deluded man, a faithful dub, lifelong, I hope he is in a better place. He was misled, but sincere. I miss him. 😞
Sea Breeze
Good for you James. You'll likey remember the 1975 fiasco. I pretty much wrote them off as young teen after that. Later, I sucked it up and was very active until they pulled the same stunt again in Nov. 1995 with the deconstructing of the generation doctrine. I left then and haven't looked back.
I still believe a man walked out of a tomb 2000 years ago and offered a resurrection to those that trust him, but as far as the Watchtower goes, happiness is the false predictions in my rear-view mirror. -
They say time heals everything James ,just enjoy the freedom you have for not being in a cult anymore and live and enjoy the rest of your life with your wife and family who have also exited .
I too, as a born in, never considered my own mortality, until just after I left I was having a chat with an XJW lady, and she threw in the remark that " We all have to die".
That shocked me rigid, but I knew she was right. From then on I began to think seriously about it, eventually became comfortable with the thought, and happy I was no longer deluded. I also learned to live each day to the full, and to take real control of my life's direction. I could no longer wait for god to do his bit.
We do only have the one life, but we can make it a good one, live it to the full, and really enjoy it.
Aussie Oz
I’m happy I woke up, but sad not knowing what lies ahead.
I was always wired to live, not die. The thought of dying had never been in my vocabulary and scares the sh_t out of me!I walked away 22 years ago, woke up about 10 years ago. Having to plan for the future I was told would never come, ie: old age and death, well, I was so far behind the 8 ball, still am. Worked my arse off for the last 10 years to try to get financially secure and lost sight of living in the now.
Don't be like me.
Make the most of every day you have with your wife and family. Your future is unwritten. You may live to 100 yet, make it a good one.
Lately I have been tuning into a quote by Helen Keller:
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.”
Well done, Mr and Mrs Jack.
Best wishes
I’m glad you were able to catch-up financially...This is a serious concern of people (especially older) walking away from the Witness religion.
You have to find a balance of catching-up (which is necessary) and living in the ‘now’...taking a deep breath..appreciating each day and being glad you’re done with the craziness...I soon realized that living in the ‘now’ was mentally healthy as opposed to putting my life on hold until the promised JW fantasy arrived!..Meanwhile, the clock was ticking while I was daydreaming. Woke up when they pulled the 1995 stunt.
I’m glad you got on your feet and I’m sure JAMES JACK will feel better as time goes on. At least he’s got his family!
What would it take for you to leave the Truth?”. My reply was “ if I turn 60 in this “System of Things”. We both laughed!I turned 60. We are not laughing now. We stopped going to the meetings cold turkey, as I can not get over the fact we were misled and wasted some 40 years of our vital energies on a unfulfilled dream! ~ James Jack
Been there. Done that.
I too am angry over the years wasted chasing a fantasy -- a Panda Petting Paradise - that will never be a reality. It is absolutely amazing to me that anyone among the JW's is still doing it!!!! The only thing "everlasting" about the JW's promised Paradise is that it is "everlastingly" always "right around the corner".
The time we once had to live our dreams and build our lives is gone -- wasted away supporting the false prophets of the WT. Fortunately, all of our children woke up to the scam even before we did. All are successful young adults, college educated, gainfully employed, and will never be slaving for WTS. As far as our grandchildren, I worry only about the crazy political climate that I see growing in this country. I think their future is uncertain because of it.