SBF - I didn't leave Christianity when I left the cult. Also, my honest reason for asking the questions was to plant seeds by showing him that J.W.'s do not teach that the org's "144,001 rulers" will be allowing people to practice vile things. I know - Jesus said some seeds would fall on stony ground and never grow, but I had a couple of seeds planted 5 years ago, and I benefitted from it. I wholeheartedly agree with everything else you say - and the elder's reactionary responses proved it 100%. However, who knows if something will click in his mind one day, and he joins other ex-elders here? :)
STEVE2 - I wouldn't approach the same cart twice, because they'd probably assume I had an agenda, rather than wanting to learn their "truth." (and they'd be right! :)
FREDDO - References to John 5:29 in the Watchtower Library CD ROM:
it-2 p. 789 Resurrection - "They are judged, not on what they did before hearing his voice, but on what they do after hearing it. namely,.... a position at the end of the period of judgment,.... Only at the end of the judgment period would it be demonstrated who had done good or bad.
re chap. 41 p. 300 par. 16 - "Here "life" and "judgment" contrast with each other, showing that those resurrected ones who "practiced vile things" after being instructed in the inspired Scriptures and scrolls are judged to be unworthy of life.
rs p. 338 par. 1 Resurrection - "Both those who formerly did good things and those who formerly practiced bad things will be "judged individually according to their deeds." What deeds?......... So, at John 5:28, 29a, Jesus was pointing ahead to the resurrection; then, in the remainder of verse 29, he was expressing the outcome after they had been uplifted to human perfection and been put on judgment."
bh p. 214 par. 3 - "No, the judgment will not focus on what people did before they died. How do we know that? The Bible says: "The one who has died has been acquitted from his sin." (Romans 6:7) ...........Thus, individuals will be judged on the basis of what they do during Judgment Day."
Sincere thanks for correcting my fading vocabulary Freddo. I really need to keep pace with the chariot!