The notion that everything was peaceful and tranquil before white people came to North America is simply untrue. Constant wars, slaughter, rape, mass executions, human sacrifice - that was the North America that existed when the first Europeans arrived.
There was no genocide, it's all based on myths perpetuated by idiots who think they have some reason to be guilty for being alive when they do not.
Unlike any other 'conquerors' in history, the white Europeans didn't slaughter everyone, they negotiated land and made treaties. They introduced all the glorious inventions that they brought with them - things like medicine because while it looks glamorous and spiritual in a movie, dancing round someone and banging a drum doesn't really help someone who is dying of a treatable illness.
As it is, they unknowingly introduced some new diseases that the native population didn't have immunity to (just like happened to Europe when they were invaded) but the early reports from settlers indicate that there were already outbreaks of serious diseases. When your culture is a subsistence one, you are on the brink all the time and it didn't take much to cause serious harm to the population.
It's an interesting subject if you research it and look at the population sizes. Native Americans have one of the highest rates of people marrying outside their ethnicities - they weren't slaughtered, they married and bred outside of the tribes as can be seen from genetic research.
Other things we introduced: law and order and a justice system. And while some things were a mistake, it was a relatively short time between white people taking part in slavery and the abolitionist movement starting to put and end to it because enough people could see that it was wrong. As always, the democrats obstructed progress. But no other culture ever did that - the slave trade elsewhere was happening long before white people took part and continued long after they stopped and slaves were treated far worse.
But hey, those white people ...