“ethnic cleansing” – such as the Rohingya from Myanmar or the Muslims in Syria - ah yes.
With the Rohingya, the MSM is only giving us one side. Dig around and you'll discover that the Rohingya are ethnic Bangladeshi Muslims who won't integrate into Myanmar society. No doubt their great-grand parents fled Bangladesh for genuine reasons - probably overpopulation - but they entered Myanmar uninvited it seems. It's certainly bad that little Rohingya children are suffering for the forced repatriation but like I said, there are two sides to this story. Some Rohingya men are Islamists and there have been cases of Buddhist monks being beheaded ... in a Buddhist country ... best sweep that one under the carpet, eh?
The situation is bad in Syria, too, and a lot of the acts of the Assad regime deserve to be condemned.
There are appeals on FaceBook for money for food, water and clothing for Syrian people. But they actually had food, water and clothing, plus a lot more such as schooling, under Assad. The sad truth is they would've been in a better position under Assad than they are today. FYI, there was no ethnic cleansing in Syria under Assad - that happened after the uprising, and it was done by Sunni rebels against Christians, Druze and Alawites.
However we are conditioned not to think like this, but instead to think that all refugees, and indeed all Muslims, are sweet, innocent, oppressed and have no responsibilities of their own. Well, it won't wash with me.
am totally sympathetic to those refugees who are in genuine need - agreed, and action should be taken to help them ... but I'm sorry, even genuine refugees don't have the automatic right to come to my country.