I guess Watchtower has finally decided to address the spousal abuse problem among JWs.
I do think that's a large part of it, especially as the issues being caused are difficult to hide these days, with social media, sharing of sex pics and video clips, etc. That point was raised on the other thread related to this at https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5207275514363904/oral-anal-sex-flip-flop-march-2025-announcements-reminders
Even in "the world" (read: the real world outside the JW enclave) there is a lot of concern about coercive sexual activity these days - fed by wide availability of explicit pornography - especially among the young and especially by males against females. Not everyone wants to engage in oral or anal sex, bondage or other acts and they certainly don't want to be literally forced into it against their will (I'm not talking about "rough" but consensual sex which some couples prefer, but emotional blackmail, gaslighting or violence to make a partner comply).
In the face of that, it's obviously affecting congregations too, but with the GB now surprisingly coy about discussing sexual acts in the marriage bed, they are talking around the subject rather than being clear.
The message should be clear enough: elders do not need to know what a married couple are doing in the bedroom, but both partners must know that non-consensual, coercive sex acts are wrong. For those who believe in God like the JWs, the obvious follow-up is to say that He sees the way a husband treats his wife in this regard and will judge accordingly (verses like 1 Peter 3:7 are often used here). Likewise a woman abusing her partner would not be showing "deep respect" to him (Ephesians 5:33). Also, that if such behaviour becomes outwardly known, it will effect the spiritual standing of the offending partner and, if it breaks criminal laws in the land (marital rape for example) will be referred to the secular authorities.
No need to dance around with coded words or flip-flopping advice (wrong, not wrong, wrong-ish but we don't really want to know, etc).