I left a comment a few days ago, but in true JW fashion it was deleted for evidently not meeting the approved agenda!
Now go ahead and delete this one too!!!!!
by Rattigan350 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
I left a comment a few days ago, but in true JW fashion it was deleted for evidently not meeting the approved agenda!
Now go ahead and delete this one too!!!!!
It is now believed that up to 7% of the population has NPD, Narcissist Personality Disorder. It has many subcategories depending on what aspect of the subject one is talking about, but the two big ones are overt and covert. Donald Trump is a good example of overt. His NPD is out in the open for all the world to see, and this form is more common to men because societal norms allow for it. Women, on the other hand, are not so easily tolerated in the overt form so they are more likely to take the covert form. Many Protestant pastors equate a Jezebel with a narcissistic woman. One said that the church is the perfect hiding place for the covert narcissist who is much more likely to be a woman than a man. So where am I going with this? Narcissistic wives do enormous emotional damage to their husbands, but WT is seemingly incapable of recognizing this. Think about it. They would have to delve into the world of psychiatry, a very advanced world of higher learning, in order to talk intelligently about it. Going to higher learning for anything is now an anathema to them. I have tried to educate them about this, but I might as well piss into the wind for all the good it does.