This is obviously driven by the Norway court decision, especially the aspects about minors. But it's just more emotional manipulation to give 'POMI' individuals the absolute minimum of attention on the condition that they show interest in 'returning'. But those who are 'POMO' (i.e. 'apostates') are deemed too much of a threat to even greet. Pathetic.
New light on shunning?
by Mikejw 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I called it
I started this thread days before the new light on shunninh
Well its hardly rocket science is it...reason they get defunded in Norway was shunning of kids and they adjust it.
I think most of us expected that...perhaps just not so blatantly obviously so soon.
Yes this is just the start. They are in panic mode.
To sum up where this man made organisation is heading “it’s upto your Bible trained conscience (accepting blood, xmas, sex outside marriage ect) and as to interpretation of scripture we just don’t know”
this will alleviate all future lawsuits but won’t be able to help with current lawsuits before this new light is announced.
JWs will become like most mainstream churches where members only go occasionally and don’t live upto what the church teaches but the religious leaders turn a blind eye otherwise they would lose most members.
if someone is breaking their rules they will have an announcement the elders are dealing with it, and that person will have shepherd calls asking what help they need
nobody will be shunned and those who were shunned will be begged to come back
Mikejw: I called it
You damn sho did! You slam dunked that one!
Elena: They are in panic mode.
Yep, they really are. I also call it survival mode. They are simply just trying to survive now. They are selling out. If they really believed their doctrines and thought they had the truth, they'd die for their beliefs, but they are changing to fit in, to be more hip and relevant, to survive, to get governments off their backs, etc.
I really think they've consulted with a PR firm that is advising to be more like a megachurch with casual dress, pop music, videos, cartoons, movies, relaxed policy, etc. Somebody posted on this site a few years ago relative to the softening and modernizing "What's next... congregation softball teams?" I wouldn't be surprised now if they did have softball teams soon. Anything to keep the gig going so the GB can continue to be rockstars in their own little worlds. Without the cult, it's "Welcome to WalMart" for the GB members.
really think they've consulted with a PR firm that is advising to be more like a megachurch with casual dress
But this PR firm should have thought about all the trauma being brought back up for those who had to do a lot of work to move in with their lives
Someone should relay that clip of fat Tony Morris saying about the Norway government not giving them benefits unless they change their shunning policy then him saying WE WILL NEVER CHANGE
Now fat Mark Sanderson beard says we have changed
You know you are in a man-made religion when you have not spoken to your children for the last 25 years but now, all of a sudden, you can smile and say “Hi” if you see them in the Kingdom Hall.
It's all about money for Watchtower! I have voted with my feet. My butt does not fill a seat anymore at a Kingdumb Hall.
Even if with all these changes there is Nu-Lite on ‘Shunning’ and they are a little softer on minor children - I still think shunning will be practiced to some degree on adults!
Old habits die hard and the judgmental attitude is far too ingrained in the Jehovah’s Witness personality to allow them to totally get rid of this practice that has been around since forever… I was soft-shunned because I was an independent working woman. I could never do right in some people’s eyes there.
One time I was in a deli waiting for my order and I noticed a woman staring at me. I smiled because I am friendly. She didn’t smile back but had a peculiar look on her face. I later realized she was a woman in a congregation I used to attend.
Because time had passed I didn’t recognize her. A funny thought occurred to me. What are judgmental Witnesses to do when they are in a public place and see a person they should shun - but that person doesn’t recognize them? Should they go up to Sister or Brother Shunned and re-introduce themselves? 🤣 After all, the shunning routine does not work without an audience. A person who doesn’t remember you is No audience.
See the absurdity of the whole damned thing?