New light on shunning?

by Mikejw 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • slimboyfat

    Notsosure 9 days ago

    it’s looking very likely they will release new light on shunning policy after losing this latest one in Norway.

    That is a hell of a leap to be honest. It may be a possibility but to say "very likely" when there is no basis to it doesn't make sense. Why is it "very likely"?

    Notsosure today

    Well its hardly rocket science is it...reason they get defunded in Norway was shunning of kids and they adjust it.

    I think most of us expected that...perhaps just not so blatantly obviously so soon.


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  • Mikejw

    There is so much confusion over so many changes.

    It will end up that everyone will just talk to DF’ed ones and they will resume family relationships without feeling they need to come back.

    this will backfire on the GB and what will happen is JWs talking to DF’ed family members will have to answer questions about why the Shunning direction has been wrong for all these many decades?

    The JWs are slowly realising that it’s a man made organisation

    instead of DF’ed one’s coming back more JWs will leave

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  • Vanderhoven7

    Ex-JW Analyzer is right on.


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  • TonusOH

    Mikejw: this will backfire on the GB

    If there is one thing that would probably work out in their favor, it's if families stop shunning one another and resume actual family relations. Even if it crosses whatever lines they have (re)drawn, the end result would likely be a positive one. Mostly for the families in question, but also potentially for the organization.

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  • redsetter2

    Tony's departure was a very small part of this. He knew these changes were going to happen anyway, he was simply trying to slow down the changes.

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  • Ron.W.

    I seem to remember that before 1980/81 people who dissociated were not treated like disfellowshipped ones??

    Then there was an announcement around 1980/81 that we were to treat disfellowshipped and disassociated ones both the same...

    The pre 1980/81 years seem like much simpler times if you wanted to leave the watchtower voluntarily without recrimination and shunning...

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  • Nostromo

    ^ They changed that in 1981 because of the famous Peter Gregerson/Ray Franz situation...

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  • ElderBerry

    So is there still a difference between disassociation and DF’ing? With all these changes not anywhere in the new guidelines does it mention disassociation?

    The changes can be summed up in two words- soft touch.

    Soft touch in getting DFed in the first place, it’s a lot less likely to happen and even if it does happen it’s only for 90 days then easy to get reinstated. During that 90 days people will still talk to you anyway

    so definitely soft touch describes the changes.

    there is no more fear of being shunned like there used to be.

    if you have a meeting with a few elders and they decide you will be DFed then you can ask for an appeal committee. If you tell them you are repentant and won’t do it again they can overturn the original decision.

    So it seems to me it’s very unlikely anyone will be DFed ever again. And in the worst case it does happen it’s only for 90days. There is no need to ask to be reinstated the elders will chase you and try to talk you into agreeing to be reinstated.

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  • NotFormer

    Does that mean that there is a two tier system: that disfellowshipped are treated better than disassociated? Are they likely to update the rules regarding disassociated to bring them in line with new DF rules?

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  • Ron.W.

    15 hours ago
    ^ They changed that in 1981 because of the famous Peter Gregerson/Ray Franz situation...

    Yes, thanks. That's the impression I was left with after reading Ray's books and conversing with him via email.

    Shows perhaps how a world wide jw policy can be changed just because of one man.

    Good points about how disassociated ones should be treated going forward.

    Would make a good wt questions from readers...


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