Another mind-boggling, HEALING REVELATION today, as I journey out of this goddam cult...

by Muddy Waters 16 Replies latest members private

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Howdoo everyone... from Muddy... (despite user name, I am female.)

    A bit of BACKGROUND:
    - was converted into the cult when I was 23 at a really vulnerable time of my life --dealing with lots of incredible challenges and changes, so guess I was ripe for the picking.
    and yes, did they get me good... for the next 25 years or so!!
    I started waking up in my late 40's, but I've only been out (faded) for about 5 years now, and continue to have insights...

    It really is like peeling back layers of an onion, as you discover more and more the damaging ways they get to your psyche and twist everything to their dark side.

    (Yes,it's a mind-boggling thing -- to think that one time what was black is white, and what was white is black, and the grey areas barely exist or become so muddied.... yet life is all about the 'greys', isn't it...? HA)

    Anyway, don't mind my aside.

    I'm a little bonkers with this revelation today, because it's another heart-rending doozy for me to realize again(!) yet another one of the depths and subtleties of the ways this cult can muck up your viewpoint & perspectives and ultimately your most precious relationships.

    (I spoke once of the way their viewpoint muddied up the way I perceived and treated my own dear, sweet, wonderful, hard-working husband, in this post:
    And it was so painful to me at the time that I couldn't even respond properly to thank everybody for their great replies, though I read them over and over and over again... thank you all)

    And now today, I realized that I've STILL been unconsciously subjecting myself to their programming:

    - namely, that it was THEY who turned me into a "better person"

    - that before I met them, my life was a: purposeless, unorganized, undisciplined, undriven (except by 'selfish pursuits', or ego, materialism, and what-have-you) MESS.

    - and that it was THEY (or Jehovah) who "picked me up out of the mud"... washed me off, cleaned me up, and stood me (erect!) on my feet to represent Jehovah, head raised, all cleaned up and ready & waiting for salvation.

    So you see, I was *not* a born-in. I was not brought or dragged or born unwillingly into this cult.
    I was a bloody CONVERT (hook, line, and sinker!) and they "taught" me that my whole life, up until my becoming a JW, was nothing but a mess -- "refuse"- GARBAGE!!! -- including all those terrible "worldly" people, which eventually included even all my dear "worldly" family who had helped me immensely during that dark time of my life...

    It is THIS MINDSET that I need to be rid of, to let go, to become free from -- because it is POISONOUS!!! -- and I have been letting it cloud so many other aspects of my life even into another precious relationship, that with our only daughter, whose life is also presently in great flux and change....

    And I've been fretting about our daughter and her situation in all the wrong ways, thinking that "she's not getting it together, her life is such a mess, why can't she make better decisions, she's being so stupid like me, like the 'way I used to be' (meaning before the JWs 'hammered some sense into me! or 'cleaned up my life' -- as for me, the JW cult was like a 'boot camp' to get my life "together", to bring it peace, order, blah blah blah -- goose-stepping, friggin', cult, army-like and unthinking, unemotional, ugh!!)

    YET THAT IS WHERE THE LIE RESIDES -- in thinking that the JWs were responsible for making me a "better" person -- that "before them, my life was a mess" --

    1). -- yet WHO KNOWS what might have happened in our lives to influence our path as well, to direct or guide our journey.... and maybe I was an okay person then, going through all that hard shit (sorry for my swears, occasionally nothing fits except an appropriate adult word!) - and somehow managing to come through it with the fine support of my family and friends - and yes, making some poor choices, but yes, also making some good choices too.

    2). -- and maybe my life wasn't such a "mess" as they describe, but it was just LIFE HAPPENING -- LIFE which is MESSY and has PROBLEMS and some of them HIT YOU ALL AT ONCE and we deal with it! - with help from our family and friends and whatever support people and systems that are there to help us!!


    I've got to stop judging and controlling aspects of OTHER PEOPLE'S lives -- they are FREE people -- just I now am -- people are able to obtain and use/ignore advice, opinions, guidance, from anywhere or anyone they choose -- and god knows my daughter knows my opinion on certain things -- yet she, and everybody else, are pretty free to make their own choices and live their own lives and make their own decisions. I can say my input, say my say, speak my mind, be mom, be grandma (so delightful!) - but then BACK OFF - and *not judge* - not condemn -

    I've got to learn (still!!! at my age, good grief) about LOVE and ACCEPTANCE and not judging and being overly critical...

    I've really got to do some soul-searching here, as this has colored and affected my life and relationships (with everyone and everything!!) for a long time.... it's going to take a bit for this to sink in and process, and figure out where and how to go from here....

  • sparrowdown

    The whole business of religion is based on the concept that all people are born morally broken and need fixing.

    Religion exploits and feeds off self-loathing.

    Cults like WT have turned that concept into an artform. To learn that making mistakes are a part of learning is quite an epiphany after being subjected to the religious notion that you have to be "good" to be acceptable to "God" and "good" to be counted as worthy of life. That is "good" in the worse sense of the word!

    Your value and worth does not depend on WT's or anyone elses, approval.

    I believe WT and all organized religion teaches self-loathing to some degree.

  • steve2

    Muddy, sounds like your self-deprogramming is coming along nicely. It can feel messy and overwhelming - that's just the way it is.

    I love the way, when the FOG (Fear, Obligation and Guilt) clears, I see so well, how decent ordinary fellow humans are - contrary to being told by JW organization that "worldly" people or people in all other religions are "wicked" and/or deluded and - if they do not change - destined for annihilation.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Sparrowdown, thank you - thoughtful words indeed, and I agree! - that religion exploits and feeds self-loathing -- very interesting!!!

    The question is then, from where does self-value and worth come?

    ... (am asking in a philosophical sense, not questioning you directly, Sparrow... but it seems the more I get away from JW-ism, the more "humanist" I become, and for me, the answers become about simply being one's best... ) :)

    -- yet the JW personality can still hover and rear its head and mess around with your attitudes & perceptions -- and affect your relationships, years after leaving.

    Definitely a process.

  • krismalone

    Buddhism, Yoga, Wicca, Psychologists and other studies have helped people to get rid of negative traits and vices. The vulnerable JW converts automatically conclude that since it had a positive effect in their lives, the Watchtower must be right but it is not so.

    Example: If you tell a child that by being good, Santa Clause, the tooth fairy or whoever you want will bring him presents and If he misbehaves the boogyman will get him. In the child's ignorance and naivete he may behave and avoid beating up other kids. Does that mean that since his behavior has improved that what he was taught was true? Eventually he will find out the truth about Santa Clause and the boogyman (both don't exist in case you were wondering). Upon reaching maturity he will realize that he doesn't need to believe or fear the boogyman in order to live a good life and do good to others.

    Man made god in his image, not the other way. Its human nature to show compassion, kindness and respect to others. Man has tried to make their god(s) with similar qualities. The exception is the Old Testament God who is a cruel, vengeful, arbitrary god of blood.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    That programming is still there, in the back of my head, which tries to say that I couldn't have become a better person without *them*...

    KrisMalone, thank you... I can accede to them JWs that many of them were good influences on me, and there were some positive people who gave me good advice and help in a practical way...

    Yet, as you point out, there are good people like that *everywhere* --

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Thank you, Steve2, the FOG is clearing, but there are days and moments where WT dogma and effects still linger....
    Appreciate your reply.

  • sparrowdown

    You were born with worth and value Muddy, you don't have to earn it you always had it. You have gifts and talents unique to you like we all do and we all have a choice how to use them.

    Your JW indoctrination convinced you your worth was only as good as your last "good work" or "service " and you have no intrinsic worth as a human being, that is a lie they tell so people will need them.

    There are things I learnt during my imprisonment as a JW that were useful but I'm the sort of person who tends to think we can learn something from any situation.

    But, you sound like you've been figuring this stuff out all on your own and you don't need me to tell you anything so I'll shut up now.

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Sparrowdown, keep talking! I love your words and thoughts and expressions.... Thank you for saying all you have, it is very healing. My brain and my soul and heart feel like they need deep healing and cleansing.... 💕

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    Muddy, what you've said and the breakthrough in thinking that it entails is profound!

    It is so very gratifying to see another "captive" awaken to the simple Truths about The Cult!

    Congratulations to you on your progress in realizing the beauty of Agape.

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