They must also change the treatment of those who dissociate themselves from the JWs. It is inevitable

by LaFrancia 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot

    “The Twelve”…

    …sounds like a superhero team.


  • KerryKing

    The problem is that they announce the same thing from the platform, 'such and such is no longer a jw'.

    How are they going to get around that? They can't say much more than that or they can be sued for GDPR or whatever it is called in other countries.

    How on earth are the rnf to know who is df, who is da, and who is apostate??

  • Vidiot


    Just be scared and paranoid about everything, and you’re covered.


  • Diogenesister
    KerryK The problem is that they announce the same thing from the platform, 'such and such is no longer a jw'.

    I guess they just won't announce disassociated ones if it's no longer mandated you need to shun them.

    I'm thinking this is how they're planning to get around the non shunning of disfellowshipped minors (which is how they can be legally sanctioned without question). They'll simply ensure all minors are made to disassociate themselves if they're caught committing a 'sin', instead of being DF.

  • MrTheocratic

    One thing is for sure......Anthony Morris III was not in agreement with any of these things and got booted for it. His hiding is not for his protection. Its for the protection of the remaining GB.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo
    Yeah, that’s not from any “secret” or “recalled” Watchtower article.
    There are literally dozens of clues indicating this was not written by any JW.

    1 Corinthians 5:11-13 clearly states, "But now I write to you, do not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler.

    The NWT uses 'extortioner' and not 'swindler' here so maybe thats another clue it didnt come from HQ? Time will tell.

  • LV101

    Not a chance they'll change treatment only lie about it.

  • LaFrancia

    Let me clarify:

    1- the 3 paragraphs were not written by me.

    2- A former jw Reddit user posted them on Reddit

    3- A user copied and translated them into a European language and now they are on a non-English European blog

    4- I copied from this blog and translated with Google Translator, but it was already a translation from English

    5- The user on Reddit deleted the message so there is no way to compare if it is translated correctly

    6- We shouldn't trust everything that appears on the internet, but it was right to publish it for information.

    7- In update 2 the brother of the governing body said that there would be a series of articles on the topic of disfellowshipping, I find it very credible that these 3 paragraphs made known by an anonymous user are from W August 2024 perhaps precisely the reason why There is a delay due to discord among the members of the GB.

    8- There have already been cases in which members of the GB in the past have stopped the publication of already approved magazines and books. One is the book of James by Ed Dunlop which had been printed in thousands of copies then F. Franz intervened to stop printing and modify some parts, see his nephew's book. Another case is recounted by Barbara Anderson when Jaracz tried to stop the printing of a CSA-themed magazine but another GB member stopped him.

    Having said that, let's wait and see, in one or two months we will know if these 3 paragraphs will be part of this magazine W...:-)))

  • LaFrancia

    In the book by former GB member Franz, there are details about why his uncle F.W. Franz stopped the printing of the book. He did not agree with the explanation of James 5 which states that when a sick brother was urged to call the elders Ed Dunlap applied it to the literal illness, but his uncle did not agree (but the book had already been approved by the GB , a sign that they do not always read the material they approve) and not to a hypothetical spiritual illness. Anyone who has his books could cite the exact pages where it is written, I'll try to look for them around too

  • babystar_jr

    Is this the original thread?


    Watchtower December 2025 - New Light on Disassociated Individuals


    Understanding Disassociation in Light of Scripture

    3 What about those who decide to write a letter and disassociate themselves as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses? It is crucial to distinguish between disfellowshipped individuals, who are removed from the congregation due to unrepentant wrongdoing, and those who voluntarily disassociate. 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 clearly states, "But now I am writing you not to associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people." This counsel specifically targets those within the congregation who persist in serious sin without repentance. However, those who disassociate themselves are no longer identifying as brothers or sisters in the faith. They have made a personal choice to step away, which differs from being removed for moral misconduct. Therefore, the strict shunning applied to unrepentant wrongdoers does not apply directly to them.

    4 Respecting religious freedom is a principle upheld throughout the Bible, emphasizing the importance of individual choice in matters of faith. Jesus himself demonstrated this respect when he allowed the rich young ruler to walk away rather than forcing him to follow (Matthew 19:16-23). Additionally, when many disciples chose to leave, Jesus asked the Twelve, "You do not want to leave too, do you?" (John 6:66-70), showing his respect for their freedom to choose. This respect for personal choice is echoed in Galatians 5:13, which states, "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free." These examples illustrate that Jehovah and his son Jesus values individual freedom of choice in serving him.

    5 When someone disassociates, they are no longer considered a part of Jehovah's Witnesses, thus becoming part of the world. Jesus’ teachings provide clear guidance on how to treat those who are not part of Jehovah’s organization. In Matthew 5:44-48, Jesus instructs to "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you," highlighting that Christian love should extend beyond the community of believers. However, it is important to remember that if a disassociated person becomes an apostate, actively opposing the faith, they should be treated as those who spread false teachings. Jude 1:4 warns of ungodly persons who pervert the grace of Jehovah and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. In such cases, maintaining strict separation is necessary to protect the congregation.

    Questions for Consideration

    3. How does 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 help us understand the distinction between disfellowshipped individuals and those who voluntarily disassociate themselves?

    4. What are the biblical principles respecting individual freedom of religion?

    5. In what ways should Christians interact with disassociated apostates?

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