Haven't many countries that already belong to NATO and the UN recently signed up to an agreement that the WHO has the final say on animal, human and planet health? That would make the WHO extremely powerful, they can overrule local governments for any perceived pandemic human or animal, as well making laws to 'protect' the planet.
Has the Watchtower Faithful Slave become the Evil Slave?
by Vanderhoven7 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wasn't the Beast slain when the League of Nations was scrubbed but rose again as the United Nations?
No, because when the beast revives is when the 42-month authority is given it. Also, during that time is when the MOTB is given. No such mark or 42 month authority occur in 1945 when the UN came about or since then.
Duran, there's three beasts mentioned by John in the book of Revelation: 1) Beast from the sea = Beast with slain head that healed (Rev. 13:1, 3). This beast is a conglomeration of Daniel's four beasts. 2) Beast from the earth = false prophet (13:11, 12). 3) Beast from the abyss = scarlet-colored wild beast (17:3, 8; cf. 11:7). The first beast was either absorbed by the other beasts or it disappeared from the scene because Jesus only deals with the scarlet-colored wild beast and false prophet during Armageddon (cf. 19:20; 20:10).
Three mentioned but two are the same. The beast from sea and scarlet are the same. And actually, Jesus deals with the beast from the sea and earth (false prophet) at Armageddon, but because the scarlet is the same as the one from the sea, then yes Jesus deals with the scarlet one at Armageddon.
I, again, believe Beast from the sea was absorbed by Beast from the abyss. This follows the natural Revelation chronology. While in the abyss the beast is inactive, while out of the abyss the beast becomes active and eventually take over rulership of the earth (Rev. 17:11-13; cf. Dan. 2:41-43).
Did you click the hyperlink and read the Scriptures? What beast does it state that gets thrown into the fiery lake with the false prophet? What beast gets the 42-month authority given to it in which time the MOTB is given out? -
Big Dog
PetrW and Boogerman,
Thank you for the clarification. I was looking at the term slave through contemporary lens and didn't appreciate all of the nuances the word could carry, especially in biblical times. That explains quite a bit.
Duran, follow carefully now. Life cycle of the first beast has been cut short = 42 months. End of first beast. Then Beast from the earth instructs the people to make an image of the first beast. The image is new. It is not the first beast but an image of it. Now Beast from the earth blows breath into the image and it becomes a beast in its own right. This is a new beast, based on the first beast. This must then be the scarlet-colored wild beast = beast from the abyss. I accept that the beast thrown into the fire must be the scarlet-colored wild beast. Unfortunately, John doesn't distinguish between the two.
John does distinguish between. The beast thrown into the lake with the false prophet is the beast from the sea. This takes place right after the waging of war against the one seated on the horse. The scarlet beast is just said to go off into destruction. That corresponds to the time being thrown into the fiery lake.
Revelation 13:3,5,7,8,10;11:2,3
Revelation 13:11-17;19:19,20,21
The beast is given its 42-month authority by the 10 kings. That is the time the beast is the 8th king and final king.
Has it occurred to anyone that they were never the “faithful slave” to begin with?
It isn’t much of a stretch to go from “they had it once, but lost it” to “they probably never had it”.
Vidiot : "Has it occurred to anyone that they were never the "faithful slave" to begin with?" ...,It occurred to me! Their claim is Jesus appointed them in 1919...In the scripture parable, Jesus appoints slave when he returns, which he hasn't done yet. ( the JW claim he came invisible in 1914 , made inspection and appointment in 1918, 1919. _Every eye didn't see him, now did they? They were never anything but self appointed imposters and most definitely have beaten the "domestics" from the onset.
Duran, I'm afraid I have to agree to disagree. I don't see it like that. But we have gone off topic somewhat. This is the stuff of a new thread.
Vidiot, you've got a point. The slave should feed the domestics, not rule over them. Simlar problem existed in the first century congregations:
8 YOU men already have YOUR fill, do YOU? YOU are rich already, are YOU? YOU have begun ruling as kings without us, have YOU? And I wish indeed that YOU had begun ruling as kings, that we also might rule with YOU as kings. (1 Cor. 4:8 NW)