New blood card

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TonusOH

    Thank you for posting those.

    Wow, that is a lot longer than I remember! The old ones were 2x the size of a credit card. The text on one side, the space for signatures on the other. That was it. I guess it has to be that detailed now, for legal reasons. No clue what the changes are, though.

  • Phizzy

    I am not an expert in U.K law, but I don't think this card will be recognised in law as a Power of Attorney, it may, probably does, in the USA.

    Do the very parochial and closeted GB realise this ?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    "I can't gag reading this piece of rag."

    I couldn't have said it better.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    ""I guess it has to be that detailed now, for legal reasons.""

    Of course. What other reason would there be?

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i wonder how many dubs actually have these cards ? Are there any check ups carried out ? I would never have had one.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Stan...I believe when the CO is making his rounds,,,the 2 weeks prior to his visit the week of his visit,,,,and a week or 2 after his visit they conduct "shepparding"" or cold - drop in visits on 'selected so - called weak witnesses'. The purpose of such ""drop-in visits'' is to keep the rank and file in line with protocol,,policies and procedures. They will hound you about blood - cards, your entertainment,,association and whatever they can get mud on you and take it from there.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Blood is only used in the most severe cases as the last option, there is no cabal of surgeons that just want to use it. The Red Cross actually limits the supply of blood as a profit motive.”

    This is not true. Any surgery could mess up and cause internal bleeding and they don’t care they just pump new blood in.

    if you are absolute in bloodless surgery the doctors don’t like it be you have to have the very best healthcare

    And I wouldn’t want to have vaccinated blood anyway

  • BluesBrother

    Wow! That is much more complicated than the ones that I remember. Can somebody please explain pages 1and 2 to me in simple terms?

    I am sure that 99% of dubs. won’t understand it. The main parts are much the same taking their stand against blood .I don’t see anywhere that gives the option to refuse any blood fraction at all. I know some that would do that.There will be a slightly different one referring to UK law.

  • gavindlt

    Its so disgusting! The meticulous detail ensuring you dint respect the preservation, sacredness and preciousness of life. This legal action is not s thought that would come up in God’s mind. It makes me sick, the thought of my son signing this form.

  • fedup

    My Blood Card

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