Ok,,sorry. It can be a little overdone at times.
New blood card
by ExBethelitenowPIMA 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
(Sorry for deviating from the OP.)
I can somewhat understand your indignation.
What you see as constant ‘jibes’ is a consequence of many janitor and/or housecleaning types in the Witness religion making very judgmental and stupid remarks about people (such as myself) who had white collar/office jobs or whatever was perceived as ‘better’ employment.. They made sure I wasn’t invited anywhere and was considered ‘not spiritual’. I never forgot this and am Glad I’m not there now to be around sob stories and people looking for handouts!
They made it out to be that what they did for work was the ‘norm’ in the religion and anybody who did anything else was criticized and judged harshly. (Not that what other people did was anyone’s business - but JWs are envious busybodies.) This is the reason for the jibes!
I would suggest any PIMOs - fully WOKE JWs make color copies of the new card and make small changes to ALLOW ALL medically necessary procedures. After your family or local elders sign the new "Official" medical directive put it in a drawer and replace it with your new "Altered... "SAVE MY ASS NOW CARD" :).
Keep the original around for elders' schools, visiting Bethel, etc. And for heaven's sake do the same for your kids!!!! Watchtower's official card is simply a "heaven's Gate" Cult suicide pact agreement to prove loyalty.
Even Orthodox Jews who bleed everything dry to eat Kosher, take blood, understanding that Blood REPRESENTS life and that LIFE is what is sacred.
The whole subject of bleeding animals in the Kosher style to eliminate eating all blood was addressed and tossed when the extra labor and costs were calculated at BETHEL in the 70s. Yep, it costs a few cents extra to stay free of blood for Bethelites and the GB so they ignore it, but it's OK for the rank and file and their kids to DIE.
Beth Sarim
""Watchtower's official card is simply a "heaven's Gate" Cult suicide pact agreement to prove loyalty.""
To put it quite bluntly, unfortunately, it is what it is.. You can't sugar - coat that. I'm not sure if you're familiar with David A Reed, but he wrote books about that like ''worse than waco''. Just to name one.
Yes,,,more deaths by blood,,,further damage from shunning and 2 witness rule.
As was mentioned, the AMD can get them in legal trouble. So they're going to a durable power of attorney. They're just making it more correct legally, making it harder to be disputed. Watchtower is indeed dangerous. The AMD simply states medical wishes, the durable power of attorney empowers someone else to speak in your behalf. So more power to those elders who may not know what they're talking about over JW lives.
why the revision and what has been revised?
My question would be, 'who gets to benefit and how?