Ok I just want to officially set the record straight about the report of CSA in New Zealand. I have a PIMO relative who lives in NZ. As far as public awareness, with regard to the JWs, it was basically a big nothing burger. According to my relative it featured twice on the 7pm news, over 2 nights, and the JWs weren’t even mentioned. This is not to say that an article didn’t appear in the National news paper, but my PIMO relative said that he couldn’t find an article that linked the goings on in the JWs to CSA. In my relatives opinion the PIMIs could be forgiven for not even realising the JWs were part of the investigation. Locally she has also commented there is silence in the congregation about this
Setting the record straight. CSA report in New Zealand
by joe134cd 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Once again, JWs are not even newsworthy. No one cares.
Actually, there was a news item on TVNZ One, 6pm national news that only talked about JWs, and how they tried to get out of being involved in this CSA report. This was broadcast the day before the report was released.
I don’t think this kind of thing is having a “non-effect”.
How often to we hear about new recruits, after all?
Joe, JWs have the next to lowest income levels per PEW. Lowest education levels as well. Few do much reading outside of Watchtower fluff. Reading the real news is uncomfortable for JWs...it simply creates more "cognitive dissonance"...it's easier to dream of petting lions and panda bears any day now. :( Sadly, few people in general read serious news, so what your relative reports back makes sense. Per google :" In 2022, 12% of the US population read newspapers daily for their news. This is down from 2021, when 124 million US adults read newspapers weekly. However, some say that newspapers still have a large and loyal readership. For example, 58% of adults aged 18–34 and more than 60% of adults aged 35 and older read newspapers. Households with incomes over $100,000 are also more likely to read newspapers, with 70% of them doing so." :(
"According to Pew Research Center's 2016 Religious Landscape Study, 4% of Jehovah's Witnesses have low household incomes, and nearly half of all members have incomes of less than $30,000 per year. The study also provides a breakdown of Jehovah's Witness household incomes by percentage, as shown in the table below:
It's bound to be relatively minor news, unless there was some really shocking events. I think the important thing is that it is a matter of public record now, and the WTS has another black mark against it. They will be less and less willing to make claims about how they protect the flock when there is a growing body of documents that show negligence and worse.
I mean, Bill Cosby's crimes were pretty well-known throughout Hollywood, but the public was unaware of his history. Then, a relatively unknown comedian was captured on someone's phone talking about it during a stand-up routine, it went viral, and suddenly everyone knew what Cosby had done. It's good to have these cases and documentation available to the public-- if this issue ever becomes front-page news, there will be no way for the WTS to hide.
Tonus, perhaps if Josh Shapiro becomes the VP, more attention will be drawn to JWs. He was the AG of PA, who got the ball rolling regarding the coverups of CSA among the JWs. Also, thanks to Ex Elder Hawk, from PA.
At least the Watchtower and every Bethel worker in Sydney know about it and they tried to hide it. They have exposed themselves.
Biagi - “…perhaps if Josh Shapiro becomes the VP, more attention will be drawn to JWs. He was the AG of PA, who got the ball rolling regarding the coverups of CSA among the JWs…”
That’s gotta feel conflicting for the Trump supporters out there who nevertheless have a CSA-bone to pick with the Org.
Skin: well if there was something on the news my relative didn’t see it. Btw I’m not implying that there wasn’t. As my relative put it, he heard about lake Ellis, Salvation Army, Catholic Church but never heard the JW word. I dear say if he looked harder perhaps he would have uncovered something.