Nope. I'm dead to all of those people and none came to my funeral. They all died a couple years back. My dad died 6 months after I disassociated. I wasn't welcome at his memorial. I did see some family at hospice, and that getting dragged in and out at their behest is a mind fuck. I learned my lesson. I won't be present for anything, nor will they be present if anything should happen to me. The deaths already occurred.
Would You Go To A Memorial Service For A JW )if you were no longer attending the KH)?
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
...your thoughts please?
My thoughts are that as much as I can opine on the matter, this is your family, your bonds, your relationship, and people that you love. No other JW or ex-JW can/should tell you what your decision should be.
I was talked into doing that a few years back. It was horrible. I swore I would never do it again. (unless it was a family member)
Still Totally ADD
I have only one parent. My mother who treated my wife and me so badly for several years using the so called truth as a weapon. I will not attend her funeral. She will be 95 this April and does not even know who I am or anyone else. If my brother wants to give her a memorial I won't be there.
Someone said we need to show respect towards our parents for giving us life. But when abuse from them was a every day thing I feel the respectful thing to do was not be there. Still Totally ADD
problemaddict 2
I have several times. For the family, and people I care about. It was cringeworthy sure......but I find if I make sure I stay above the fray.....that nobody really senses the need to challenge me.
Recently someone we knew passed away tragically. My ex-wife and daughter and a couple of their friends went to the funeral service and they were encouraged by our “ex friends “ to sit with them. My ex and daughter were surprised at how many people warmly greeted them.
I did, I think it was my last meeting in a Kingdom Hall. Went because the guy was a friend and an all around good guy. It was a surreal experience. I was already being shunned by some since I had been publicly reproved and of course the elders tell their wives. But being there listening to all this crap knowing full well by now that it was all just a make believe lie. Listening to all this crap about he will be back in the resurrection and what a wonderful hope we have. Puke!! Couldn’t wait to get out of their .
just fine
It is going to depend on who it is. My parents maybe, but mostly to support their disfellowshipped grandchildren. I don’t need to put my grief on display. My husband and non-JW friends will support whatever I choose.
My siblings? No thanks. They are vile human beings, the world will be a better place in their absence.
i wouldn't attend my mothers because she wouldn't be there for mine. She has disowned me and I'm not even DF. As for anyone else in the congregation? I definitely wouldn't attend.
Wasanelder Once
No I would not. I have no close relationships to attend for. All those "great" friends are from long ago ignoring me. Maybe for the one niece that is still in but that's pretty iffy.