Almost half of UK congregations are financially in the red
by truthseeker 41 Replies latest members private
LostandFound, in my earlier posts on this thread I mentioned there are two congregations that have not submitted any accounts for years. Any ideas why? -
truthseeker in my earlier posts on this thread I mentioned there are two congregations that have not submitted any accounts for years. Any ideas why?
Congregations only have to submit an annual return if they have have an income above £10,000 for the year.
Splash - Congregations only have to submit an annual return if they have have an income above £10,000 for the year.
did you actually read the WT I posted earlier in this thread?
I believe all congregations need to submit an annual return - if income is under £10,000 they only need to fill in a basic 'annual return' (income/expenditure) - but it's still an 'annual return' that needs to be submitted!
The actual 'annual accounts' (the account sheets etc), if under £10,000 annual income, do not have to to be submitted.
did you actually read the WT I posted earlier in this thread?
I believe all congregations need to submit an annual return - if income is under £10,000 they only need to fill in a basic 'annual return' (income/expenditure) - but it's still an 'annual return' that needs to be submitted!
Believe what you like, the link I posted from the UK government website says "You don’t need to send an annual return if your charity’s income is under £10,000."
Splash: No
Fine, ok. I'm not wasting my time then.
I dont know the 2congregations that seem not to have sumitted an annual return, or why they have not, the Charity Commission are not very fast in chasing up late returns. Possibly the two congs in this have merged with another one or two congregations so they would not submit returns but should have deregistered as a charity. I dont think the WT monitors such stuff, as long as they get funds flowing in every congregation is on its own, Not much help sorry!
Well done, truthseeker. I was suspecting the number running deficits might be higher.
Speaking for myself, I would be interested in looking at the spreadsheet when you finish.
Thank you Shepherdless.
Doing data pull for registration dates.
What's interesting is that a few congregations have been removed as charities and then re-registered again.
UK congregations that have had one or more name changes
sorry about that, the editing won't let me fix the above post