I found an old friends family by using the web. I'm hoping they are not jw's anymore. I have sent them an e-mail and I'm waiting for a reply, I'm trying not to get my hopes up, one of this families sons used to be my best friend. I have not heard from any of them in 17 years...wish me luck!
Well here goes
by obiwan 15 Replies latest jw friends
Hope you can re-establish old friendships.
Obiwan: I hope that you get a reply, and that they are receptive, and hopefully: ex-Jehovah's Witnesses by now.
That would be a success story.
I've done similarly (via writing) no answers yet, but we shall see.
A friend of mine just reconnected with his family last summer, after 15 years of not seeing or speaking to any of them. They were having a family reunion, and a couple of siblings contacted him. He and his *gasp* live-in girlfriend both went and were warmly received by siblings, in-laws AND parents. It was a wonderful experience for him. Good luck! I hope yours turns out as well.
I am lucky that none of my family is still in the bOrg, but there are a couple of friends (2) I would love to see out.
Well it was a bummer, they are all still in the org. I sent them an e-mail stating that if they were I would not bother them out of respect....I'm totally bummed, I got my hopes up wwaaaayyy to much. I think looking for them did more harm to me than good.
obi. Don't be down on yourself. No harm in trying. And now that they know where you are, and your status, that may open the door, down the road. Never give up hope, and never stop trying.
xjw_b12 who knows how it feels
Sorry to hear of your dissapointment. At least they know you still think of them and if they ever change their minds, I'm sure you'll be there for them.
Well you rolled the dice. You don't always come up with a winner.
But at least you tried. What if you hadn't tried, and the people had INDEED left the Borg? What a loss that could have been.
I have certain old Borg friends I think about occasionally and I wonder about their 'status'. One time one such person showed up as a new poster here on this board!
Thanks for the support, it really does help.
Gopher you are so right, I would always wonder what if, thanks.