I'll let the article speak for itself:
Can you believe this?
by Nathan Natas 15 Replies latest members politics
Nathan Natas
My apologies. This was already posted by someone who is more "on the ball" than I am.
Seems a shocking development.... I wonder how old a “minor “ could be in California?
I`m speechless !
Was this legislation introduced by Jehovah’s Witnesses?
I was about to write registering my disgust but then I notice it's Beitbart.
So a simple fact check was in order.
Which brings up:
I know, this is crazy. But the things the Democrats are doing these days supporting BLM a terrorist group along with Antifa another terrorist group, defending the police. Its all so crazy. Now helping lessening the penalty's for pedophiles. What next, I am afraid to even think if it. Some here try to say its a fake news story but its not. They are not making it legal but lessening the penalty for pedophiles. This is the tip of the wedge. Just as it was with the Gay issue. We only want gay marriage equality. Now its there are 57 genders and a man can be a woman and a woman a man and we can do gender reassignment to your 6yo. Its insane. So you know where this is heading. This is why they put in the if the child is consenting. This in and of itself is crazy. A child can not consent to anything of an adult nature. So they have tipped their hand. Eventually they want the man boy love thing to be legal.
mickbobcat, ask yourself this.
When a man and woman who are aged seventeen and eighteen respectively have consensual vaginal sex, should the eighteen year old be mandated to register as a sex offender regardless of other penalties. The law says no, that is at the discretion of the judge.
When a man and woman who are aged seventeen and eighteen respectively have consensual oral or anal sex, should the eighteen year old be mandated to register as a sex offender regardless of other penalties. The law says yes, and the judge has no discretion.
This is what the Bill is intended to correct. Of course, when you draw up a Bill you have to decide where to set the boundaries. Does it only apply when a man and woman are involved or does it also apply to same-sex relations? Other boundaries already exist for vaginal sex. If the child is younger than 14 or the age difference is greater than ten years or there is more than one child involved then registration as a sex offender is (and remains) mandatory regardless of other penalties.
You are creating a straw man argument. If the bill said what you are saying that people who are this age and consenting and the youngest person involved is 17 bla bla bla. But that is not the bill. Its if you are within 10 years. So your 18yo can have sex with a 8yo and not go on the sex offender roll. Don't obfuscate the issue. Canada has lowered the age of consensual sex and there is a notable flood of pedophiles that are going to Canada to take advantage of it. If the law makers in California were half way legit they would put within one year of each other. But the 10 year gives it away. The left has let its perversions come into the open. Now that its find for a man to say he is a woman or woman a man and you have to call them what ever freak name they want they are heading for the whole enchilada. I was saying this years ago that they will one day push that its a choice and OK for people to have sex with animals. Within the next 10 years or so. Bestiality is not new but what is new is the left pushing things that are not normal and are the invention of depraved minds as normal.
mickbobcat, have you read nothing on the thread which you started on this subject. The law already says that any person [regardless of their age difference] who has any form of sex with a child under the age of 14 "is guilty of a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for three, six or eight years." (Penal Section 288).
Registration as a sex offender is mandatory, and the provision of SB 145 will not change this. If you don't understand this read this post in your thread.