New Boy's rant is so lacking in maturity and rational thought that it makes it difficult to believe he is even serious. "We" got free of religion? The world is becoming less religious by the minute, and the world in the future will likely be largely free of religion and/or existing religions will have evolved to be what they should be - support structures for people. We have presented multitudes of data suggesting this.
The world is in a major paradigm shift already in that regard, and the less religious an individual, state, nation or region are, the more likely they are to be functional. There is nothing religion provides that this planet requires that can't be provided by a government, a group or the individual.
The absence of government, OTOH, suggests either Anarchy or Self Rule. I'm assuming that New Boy isn't considering anarchy, and we have some very good data as to how "self rule', which existed for about 85,000 of our 100,000 years, would work out. Evolutionary biologists suggest that period was much more violent than now when we have nation/states ruled by governments. Your chances of dying a violent death were many times more likely when we had self rule.
So unless New Boy can present something rational supported by something close to evidence as to how this brave new world free of government would work, he has reached the point where he should be ignored.