I'm just wondering how everyone was changed by the wts emotionally. I find that after going through being df'd and the shunning, the general loss of everything that I'm much harder, I give people less sympathy than I used to, things that are seriuos such as deaths and the like just don't move me much. I feel desensitized, sorta detached I let so much just roll off my back than I used to. I've been trying to change this, to take different outlooks on life and it seems to be working...slowly.
How has the org changed you emotionally?
by obiwan 18 Replies latest jw experiences
Ghost of Esmeralda
well my jedi friend, I know one way that it has changed me forever. I now have, nor will I ever have again, any use for organized religion of any kind...christian, pagan, or otherwise...there is just no room in my life for them! Too costly to my soul!
Well Essie, I quite agree with your comments - no time for man mande religion in any shape or form.
Obiwan - good point - since leaving the org, I do not trust people, I feel that i am much harder on myself and others, i do not suffer fools gladly, but at the same time, I rather like the new me.
I like to think that i am likeable - but i make a far better friend than i do an enemy.
I am going to go away and think about this one. You have made me assess myself hhmmmm.
Mrs Nightwarrior
Be careful not to confuse the process of maturing (ie the wisdom that comes with experience) that allow you to mellow your reactions, and pick your battles. It may not all be emotional hardness but a combination of lessions learned and resilliance to changing situations.
Goshawk -
Angrier - but I'm hoping this will pass. It's only been three months since I came out, but Claire seems to be handling it better than I. I guess it's because I feel such an idiot for even believing all that stuff (and then, looking back, knowing that something wasn't quite right but not doing something about it earlier). It isn't easy, is it!
I am still very wary of friendships, and find it extremely difficult to trust others and open up (make myself vulnerable) to them. I suspect I will carry those scars with me for the rest of my life.
When I tell someone that I trust them, it's one of the highest compliments they can get from me. I can tell someone that I love them more easily than I can tell them that I trust them. Love comes easily, trust does not. When I trust someone, I trust them implicitly. I trust them with my life, my heart and my soul.
Unfortunately, if that trust is ever broken, I don't know that I could ever rebuild it with the same individual. I do forgive, but forgetting.... well, that's another story.
Love, Scully
Victorian sky
Strangely enough, I'm far more compassionate, less uptight, not judgemental like I used to be as a dub, I don't look down on people anymore just because of their beliefs. And funny thing is, I have more faith in God now than I ever did in all my years in the borg! Now the thought of stepping foot in a church gives me the heebee geebees but I have more of a personal relationship with God now than I ever did as a JW. I'm much happier, feel lighter as if a great weight has been lifted. I don't dread Sundays anymore. I laugh a lot more now. I'm nicer to my non JW family and they've noticed. The only thing I have trouble with is trusting non JW men romantically. (Not that dub men are much better!) I'm very guarded and sometimes I worry that I won't give a good man a chance from all the 'don't date outside of the Lord' crap I was force fed for years. So yeah, trust is an issue but only with the men. I've made a few female non dub friends who I'm really close to. It took years of depression, anger and fear for me to reach this point. I've learned to let go and take my life back. JW's in general are emotionally stunted, I know I felt numb for years and now I feel everything - happiness, pain, joy - I feel human again. I'm so thankful to be out! - Victorian Sky
Great to see you posting again.
Victorian sky
Thanks Dansk! Give my love to Physio and the boys! - Victorian Sky
Angrier - but I'm hoping this will pass
Dansk - I'm still angry. I'm hoping it will subside too. It's been 8 months for me since I read about the sexual molestations coming out of the congregations. When I think about the people and the whole society I get pissed. GRrrrrrrrrrrrrr
So yeah, trust is an issue but only with the men. I've made a few female non dub friends who I'm really close to.
Victorian Sky - That is one of my BIGGEST issues I am trying to overcome. I have major trust issues that still make me uneasy in situations around men as well. Any tips, advice, or books you've read to help you with this matter?
I find that I am less judgemental and more accepting of others.