I imagine most of you have heard or seen the footage of the hazing in which girls were beaten at a high school.
The ones guilty of this crime have been formally charged as adults. After reading reports and viewing the video, I believe the authorities rightfully charged them. I don't think there has been much debate on whether or not those kids are guilty.
The question I have heard out there is whether or not the authorities should charge the parents because their kids were involved?
Basically, the arguement is that the parents should be accountable for what the kids do. I disagree. In my opinion, the parents should not be charged with anything. Unless you can prove that the parents encouraged this behavior, why should they? The parents did not participate, did not know.
In this case, apparently one adult did provide beer, and sure, they should be responsible for that act, but not the hazing.
Sometimes, parents do all they can, but their kids turn into rats. It happens. Law of averages. For every ten good people, one or two are going to be a problem. Same for kids as adults.
Now, there will be extreme circumstances where something could have been prevented, but by and large, I believe most kids know right from wrong, and will do what they want regardless of what the parents say. If a kid is at school, and gets into a fight, should the parents be held accountable to the courts?
Some are saying that the parents of these kids who did the hazing should also suffer and go to jail. Like that helps the problem.
What do you think? Should we send "bad" kids parents to jail over a crime the kid committed?