Should parents be held responsible in hazing?

by freedom96 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    They should not be held responsible unless they find that some of the parents were the ones who bought the 3 kegs of beer. Then, those parents involved should be punished appropriatly.

    However, if the parents are not involved, then they should butt out and let the kids be punished as perscribed by law. Most of these parents are actually blind to what their kids actually do and feel that their kids should not be punished for what they did.

    The lawsuits on this one are going to be around for a long long time.

  • Simon

    The ones responsible should be punished. Parents cannot be held accountable for children who are deemed responsible for their own actions.

    As for the victims 'knowing what they were in for' ? Bullshit. Even if they did know, then there was enormous pressure on them and no one should be subjected to violence and intimidation.

    I say beat the crap out of the ones responsible ... hand out some baseball bats to the victims. Turn the cameras off.

  • freedom96

    Actually Simon,

    I would like to see the victims go at their attackers with baseball bats. I vote for leaving the cameras on. Perhaps charge for admission, or a pay per view.

  • Valis

    I just wonder where the idea came from to do such a thing and call it a tradition...One can only assume that if no one had been injured this event would have went on next year and this year's victims would have been next year's assailants. That's why I believe they should all be punished. Maybe not all as severely, but every last one of them should be made an example to thier community of how not to act, or participate in activities that could be harmful to more than just the victims. Just like the Texas A&M bonfire tragedy...all those students who were building the bonfire had a hand in that disaster, but only a few people were selected as the scapegoats..Like they say, its all fun and games till someone loses an eye....


    District Overbeer

  • shamus

    Parents should be held responsible IF AND ONLY IF their teens have been a complete menace to society and they have taken NO ACTIVE STEPS to correct their behavior. Just out of the blue? No way should parents be charged. Have a rap sheet a mile long? Then, yes.

  • teenyuck

    By Amy E. Nevala and Susan Kuczka, Tribune staff reporters. Tribune staff reporters Rudolph Bush and Mickey Ciokajlo contributed to this report, which was written by Rex W. Huppke
    Published May 17, 2003 Prosecutors filed misdemeanor battery charges Friday against 15 Glenbrook North High School seniors who police say took bullying to a criminal level, beating juniors and pelting them with filth in a videotaped incident that has drawn international attention.

    Cook County State's Atty. Richard Devine chastised residents of Northbrook, the affluent northern suburb where most of the teens live, saying they have refused to help investigators track down who supplied the students with alcohol. Police believe someone's parents bought a keg of beer that students drank at the May 4 event.

    If investigators are able to identify parents who supplied beer, they could be charged with providing alcohol to a minor, officials said. That charge carries the same penalties as the battery charges the students face.

    The 32 suspended students were disciplined for their involvement in what was ostensibly a powder-puff football game in the Chipilly Woods portion of the Cook County Forest Preserve. The annual event, which was not sanctioned by the school, traditionally has involved female seniors hazing female juniors.

    I cut and pasted this from the Chicago Tribune. There is much more.

    This *tradition* has been going on for years. When school officials found it was more hazing than powder puff, they stopped allowing it on campus. For some reason, these are popular around Chicago; at least in my neck of the woods. Some were on school property....where parents could watch their little girls raise money for a charity by playing. When it is held off school property, the likelyhood that bad things will happen goes up.

    The parents can/should be held liable....that means financially. When the officials figure out who supplied the beer, those parents better have lots of cash. Every other parent will sue them. And probably win.

    Parents can always be held financially responsible for their childrens transgressions. I do not think they should be held criminally responsible, unless they had a direct hand in the kids wrong doing---ie: you drive the getaway car after junior robs a bank.

    These kids live in a very affluent area of Chicago. Your parents will be making over $150k to live there. 30 year old single family homes start at $350,000. Condos start at $150,000. (I did a quick search on

    These are spoiled brats.

    The area they had the *football* game is called a Forest Preserve. These are state/county funded open, free parks. Lots of picnic tables and woods. Anyone can have any type of party there.

    I hung out at the local Forest was perfect for cruising, drinking beer and partying---and getting in trouble.

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