I've had a bit of a think about this. Being devil's avocado, I wonder if this is all just a media smokescreen to obscure real news and divide us. Yes. I know. I'll be wearing a V for Vendetta mask soon.
I really can't see why Mr Linaker, repeating the BBC's own political views should get him in trouble with them. Was it all a terribly conceived publicity stunt? (Though I can't see why).
Suppose that Mr Linaker is being perfectly genuine, heartfelt and humane in his approach. In his mind he really is trying to speak good and is not the bad guy champagne socialist. The media rips into him to get clicks, enrage people that love being enraged and a totally pointless storm is caused by the lazy media agitators.
Perhaps, instead, someone should have a conversation with him stating why his views might be skewed rather than do what the lefties do and scream.
Maybe all it takes is to talk to him honestly because isn't he just re-iterating the BBC's own uninformed bias?