Persecution Proves JWs are the Only True Religion--Right?

by blondie 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    So often when the WTS reports about persecution of JWs they conveniently forget to mention that other religions in the area are receiving the same treatment. If you are an active lurking JW on this board, I invite you to check the search news engines and see that JWs are not being singled out.


    Christianity Today, June 2003

    Protestants Face Police Crackdown
    In four cities, security forces arrest 170 Protestant Christians.
    By Compass Direct in Asmara | posted 05/16/2003

    Security forces jailed, beat, and threatened 170 Protestant Christians in a harsh crackdown.

    In five incidents in four cities, Eritrean security police barged into worship services and even a wedding ceremony. They jailed men, women, and children for practicing what government officials called "a new religion." Authorities held all the arrested people incommunicado and eventually released them on bail.

    Then on April 15 security police severely beat members of an Orthodox renewal group, who had to be hospitalized, and the next day they detained 11 members of the Protestant Mesert Christos Church in Asmara.

    The Eritrean government recognizes only four "official" religious affiliations: Orthodox Christian (40 percent); Muslim (50 percent); Catholic (5 percent); and Evangelical Christian, a Protestant church that Swedish Lutheran missionaries started (2 percent).

    The government closed 12 Pentecostal and charismatic churches last May. Though these churches have more than 20,000 members and have filed the required registration papers, officials have yet to recognize them.

    The jailed Protestants were detained in humiliating conditions from 3 to 15 days.

    A previous incident occurred on March 23 in the nation's capital, Asmara. Forty members of Philadelphia Church were meeting for choir practice when 15 police officers armed with machine guns, pistols, and long sticks burst in to arrest them. Copyright © 2003 Christianity Today. Click for reprint information.
    June 2003, Vol. 47, No. 6, Page 2

  • Lord Zagato
    Lord Zagato

    Persecution is a rather strong word. One way or the other, there is criticism and even outright descrimination experienced by various religious groups. Catholics are routinely slighted by Evangelicals and even some mainline Protestants, not to mention JWs and Mormons, for instance. Muslims feel that Christians are out to get them--and vice versa. Muslims and Hindus go against each other in Pakistan and India. ad infinitum

  • Buster

    Ya know, perecution is evidence that they have the truth and that Satan is zeroing in on them. Oh, and prosperity is evidence that they have the truth and that God is blessing them. And I think that anything in the middle is evidence that they have the truth and Satan is zeroing in on them and that God is blessing their works.

    (Being in a cult has that certain 'we don't need to think' thing about it)

  • Joker10

    It is said that Jehovah's Witnesses in Eritrea are the most persecuted in that country. They are the only ones that are denied citizenship.

  • rocketman

    *makes personal note never to vacation in Eritrea*

  • Yizuman

    I guess we could consider ourselves living in America or in any free world fortunant in ways that we have religious freedom.

    But can any of you say it could last forever?


  • shamus

    JW's have a persecution complex. They talk about it all the time. However, they are not usually persecuted for their beliefs - just the actions that they take on those beliefs, which are silly.

    Why not just vote? That's worldly. They will die to not vote.

    Yet christians were persecuted for not worshipping baal in ancient times. That is persecution - the other is not.

  • Maverick

    You're right Blondie, with the J-dud Masters anything can be used to 'prove' theirs is the only true religion. More members=Gods blessing, less members=Gods cleaning house, freedom from the governments=Gods blessing, perecution=satan attacking the true religion. The sun shinning= Gods blessing, rain=Gods blessing. I could do this all day but you get the idea. What a bunch of fakes! Maverick

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    It must be radical muslim fundamentalists - must be the true religion - hunted down by armies - arrested at airports - protray by the movie industry as badguys - And, they're prepared to die for it, all the time.

    Someone should point out to jws that the true religion is actually radical muslim fundamentalism.

  • JH

    As far as I'm concerned, Persecution is what the Watchtower is dishing out to it's own members when they don't follow the law to the letter...

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