Hey Stinkypantz, well...I used to be very arguementive.
Eventually, as time went on, I matured and was able to observe what my own 'cause & effect' generated.
I can embarrassingly admit, years ago when I was a real firecracker on xjw forums, I know for sure I scared off someone who needed a gentler touch. Yes, it bugs the hell out of me. That person probably went right back to the KH: some good I was .
There are times when a thread generates some heat. I tend to look at it, go away from it, then return to the thread or post. Sometimes I will write my thread (save it) and a day or several hours later, I'll revisit the thread. It's so easy to write in a reactionary sense rather than a cool, calm and collected one when we post in the heat of the moment.
SP, it's true, you've been under alot of stress as of recent. But still, it's important to step back like you've done, and look at things from a slightly different perspective.
I've had disagreements, but I don't need to go on and on and on with some people. I always expect that someone, somewhere is going to find a post of mine, or my viewpoint totally opposite to theirs. No surprise there. But once both of our points of view have been made, it's ridiculous to bash it over and over again. That's just looking for a fight that may not even be there in the first place.
If I feel confident enough to give my e-mail out to someone, I will, thus I can take a personal discussion or heated debate there. It usually is resolved and all is well.
There are people who will dislike me no matter what. That's how people are. I can tell, but hey...once again, that's just how people are. One can end up being someones foil, and well the on-going debates that go in a continuous loop.
If someone gets all nasty and crappy with me, I cannot and will not put any time or effort into their post or their psychosis. Good they can channel it at me, but it tells me more about them than it does me. Let them rant.
When I have had a disagreement with someone, it's discussed, over and done with. I always tend to find something to post to their thread or comment that is bang on, that we agree upon. That's one of the keys to on-line forum balance and harmony.
Take care Stinkypantz. Thinking of you.