Do you ever wonder:

by StinkyPantz 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    Sometimes people rub us the wrong way, and especially when we see them displaying anti-social behaviour, we may feel the need to comment on it. And if we're feeling particularly stressed at the time, we might be more argumentive than usual.

    If you feel that this board is affecting you for the worse, then maybe you need to take some time to chill out - stay away from the board for a few days or more. No one on here is worth us loosing our cool.

    Having said that, I think you handled a certain thread yesterday very well. Despite being bombarded with childish insults and name-calling, you handled yourself with dignity, and treated him with more respect than he deserved. Kudos to you!

  • azaria
    There are certain things/people that really bug me and instead of just ignoring them like a civil person, I speak my mind (which causes a fight ). Of course I do so without profanity or name-calling, but I'm still bitchy nevertheless.

    Was I one of the ones this was directed to? I hope not.

    I personally don’t always believe in first impressions. A few times I met people, and for whatever reason, I didn’t like them. But when I got to know them I ended up liking them. The same applies with someone that at first I might instantly like. They come across as being very friendly when you first meet them, but then find out that they are not so nice. So I’ve tried not to prejudge, though it’s not always easy. There are only two posters that I have a problem with, but I’m certainly not going to let it bother me, and just maybe I might be wrong. I think one talks out of both sides of his mouth, and the other seems just too angry and crude. There’s different kinds of intelligence. Some people are good at remembering information, some at analyzing information, some are more emotionally intelligent, etc, etc. When I first posted with you I wasn’t sure who I was dealing with. If it’s any consolation I probably would never have continued posting to you if I felt any dislike for you. I will probably never agree with most things you post, and you with me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t respect you for your opinions, and hopefully vise-versa (as long as there isn’t any mudslinging) Like my daughter says it doesn’t take much intelligence to swear, and I will add condemn, belittle, etc., and it doesn’t take much creativity either. I personally think that people who curse at everything that they don’t agree with show no class. Francois you have class. Stinky I read the other post where it got really heated, but you kept your dignity. May I also add that it takes a decent person to apologize when they think they made a mistake. I know we all have our good and bad moods at times. I tend to talk too much, and I’ve combined two posts here. Sorry about that.

  • bebu


    Maybe you're not perfect yet (like me ), but I think you actually restrain yourself pretty darn well. I appreciate posters who can debate issues without turning things into personal attacks, and I think this is what you always try to do. Thanks for being honest about your feelings.


  • StinkyPantz

    Thanks for all of your comments.

    I used to be one of those people that never ever stood up for myself and now I feel like I've gone to the other extreme. If someone says something I disagree with, I just blow up. It's probably easier online too.


    You're my idol


    I think you're great!! Even though we disagreed you never resorted to attacking me personally and that's the kind of "argument" I prefer.


    That's the only picture I have online, sorry.

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