*sneaks into thread looking to pounce on birds*
Help!! Baby Birds have invaded!!
by Scully 22 Replies latest jw friends
* Xandria grabs Brummie and puts a belled collar on... muwahahahahahaahah* That way we can keep track of you.
Beware of using milk. It contains the sugar lactose and birds do not possess the enzyme, lactase, to break it down. This causes diarrhoea, which can result in death.
Scully, I've sent you a personal message via the board. Otherwise, e-mail me.
About a month ago, I rescued a bird from our bathroom vent and told Mr. Scully that we needed to install some screening over the opening so that she would not build a nest inside the vent. I even went to the Home Depot and bought some screen. All he had to do was go up on the ladder and install the FREAKING screen.
And why couldn't YOU do it, since it was YOUR project?
Dedalus, of the married-to-wives-who-delegate class
DON'T paint the birdhouse!!! The fumes will get to the small birds. And adult birds probably won't go near the birdhouse until the paint has "outgassed" for months!!!
Edited to add: I didn't read your second post, Scully, before this comment. But, it sounds like all is turning out well. And, I assume that you had to press the birdhouse "into service" before there was time to paint it, anyway. That is good.
When you have time to plan these things, you let the birdhouse sit for a while. Or go ahead and install it, but the birds move in when they are comfortable with it.
Scully, I'm so glad to hear that 'Momma Bird' has found her babies. That's great!
I have found many birds over the years, and have rescued some very beautiful ones. The cutest one by far: a baby dove. He was so adorable. He was friendly too. He eventually was handed over to the Humane Society. I've dropped off all sorts of birds, and have actually looked after a few at home too.
Baby blue jays, cardinals, starlings, sparrows, finches, and thrashers. The Brown Thrasher I found, he collided with a window pane. He fell to through tree branches, and I saw crows in hot pursuit. I walked over, saw this most unusual but beautiful bird, picked him up. He was unconscious. Then he opened his eyes, let out one huge 'squawk', and flew out of my hands, but he landed in my bicycle basket. I picked him up, and gently placed him in my knapsack. He sat on my pile of compact discs, and I made sure he had ventilation, and cycled once more over to the Humane Society. I peeked in on him every couple of blocks, and he would look up at me, and then just try to keep his balance.
Once I arrived at the Humane Society, a fellow very accustomed to helping migratory birds, knew what he was right away. He said that the specimen I brought in, was the 2cnd one he had ever seen. Poor little gaffer flew all the way from Georgia, USA. Thought he'd drop off in Toronto, but what a rough welcome, poor little feller.
He was examined, x-rayed and tended to. He was released successfully, that evening.
That was very clever of your husband to build the nest. I'm sure the Momma Bird was quite upset and worried, and well...she knows what's best. But honestly, I'd say every suggestion made on here was right-on. Nice to see people caring for some of natures flying creatures.
Made my heart warm this early Sunday morning.
Rayzorblade of the 'gone to the birds' class.
i think i got birdies in my chimney, i can hear them. I dont care they need somewhere to live and they are not disturbing me or causing any problems, so let them be.
as for original post i dont know how to look after birdies. i had some when i was little and they all died
I once raised a young carrion crow that had been injured and couldn't fly. Talk about intelligent, it was hand tame in just 2 days. I called it Corvy. Dansk will know why. It was impossible to tolerate it sitting on my hand, so phenomenal was it's grip. It even held it's own when confronted by next doors cat
I fed it on chicken and worms.
Dedalus writes:
And why couldn't YOU do it, since it was YOUR project?
I have an aversion to heights. The vent in question is about 20 feet above the ground. Mr. Scully is a building inspector by profession. He goes up on ladders all the time.
Besides, it was HIS project to put screen on the vent long before the birds found it.
Love, Scully (who does not do ladders, but can delegate quite nicely thank you)
Dansk: Thank you for the PM! I saved it in "Word" so I will know what to do if it happens again. It seems like the little guys are being well cared for by their mum now. I'll watch over the next few weeks to see when they peek out of the bird house and are ready to fly.
Mustang: Thanks for the suggestion re not painting the bird house. Mr. Scully used a plank of pine and left it unfinished. We were trying to get the babies back up near where the mother bird would be looking for them as quickly as possible... so painting wasn't even a consideration.
Rayzorblade: I always enjoy reading your stories. I especially enjoy reading people's stories where circumstances lead them to help and care for animals or people who need help. We "apostates" aren't such a bad lot, now are we??
Logical: Sorry to hear about the baby birds you found.
Englishman: Corvy sounds like a lovely fellow. Crows - as annoying as they can be - seem to be very intelligent birds... unfortunately I was not about to mash up worms for these little fellows... they seemed to like the salt-free baby porridge I made up for them.
I'll post some pictures later.
Love, Scully