It's Mindboggling

by El Kabong 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    So many here talk about their experiences with the JW's. We talk about how mean and hateful the people in the congregation were to us. So we find a board like this one thinking it's going to help us to heal. But after staying awhile, what do we find? And, is this place still helping to heal?

    • People saying mean and hateful things to each other. How can people who share so much in common treat each other with so much disrespect? It goes back and forth constantly. No wonder people have so many posts. Most of them are filled with bullshit and hate toward their fellow posters and one time brothers and sisters. Those people, and you know who you are...even if you deny it... should really take a long look at yourselves and think about what kind of damage you are doing. Remember, there is a PERSON at the other end of you computer terminal. People with REAL FEELINGS and wants and needs. Who are you to insult someone else?
    • Posts that blatently exclude other posters except for the "posting elite". You know posts like, "who would be a MS or elder on this board" are going to exclude most of the posters on this board with the exception of the so called popular posters. In other words, we have cliques on this board.

    You can take the person out of the JW's, but you can't take the JW out of the person. Some people are just doing their best to turn this place into a typical JW congregation. Well, guess what??? It's working.

  • SixofNine

    Methinks you're learning more here about human behaviour than about JW behaviour.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    No, the people are civil to each other on most other non JW related boards I frequent

  • drwtsn32

    I don't know... most of the other discussion groups I'm on have similar problems with clashing personalities. Just because we all have the ex-JW thing in common doesn't mean we will all automatically get along. It didn't happen in the JW organization and it won't happen here.

  • teenyuck

    I almost put up a similar thread yesterday, El. I do not like the "Who is your Favorite Poster" threads. The persons who are not chosen always will wonder why they were not included. This is always going to hurt someone's feelings. I don't think that is the objective of the DB. I did not because I did not have time to respond; company was coming for dinner.

    SixofNine is right on.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Thanks Teeny, Six, and Drwtsn.

    Maybe I was wrong all this time as to the intent of this board.

  • drwtsn32

    It woudl be nice if insults and personal attacks didn't happen, don't get me wrong. But human nature sometimes overpowers us all.

  • teenyuck

    This place has changed so much from when I first found it and lurked for a few months. The bickering and disagreements seem to always happen.

    The difference now is in the *love fests* threads....there are too many. I am bored with the *Who is________*, *Who isn't_________*, *Who should__________*, *Who will______________* threads. Before the threads were *Who do you want to F---? and Who has the best breasts?* It seemed a little more relaxed.

    When I see *Who would be who in a JW KH* I lose patience with the poster. As El noted, this is really making it seem like a KH.

    Maybe my hormones are out of whack. Perhaps I need to get fu....ed.

  • outnfree

    Of course you could just do as I do, El Kabong, and neither read nor respond to those "favorites" threads. Saves me getting disappointed or puffed up or insulted.

    Also, does the opinion of the majority of the posters here really matter to one's self worth? I hope not. Despite thousands of posts to this board, how many here really know me? Less than a handful.

    To me, the board is a place to vent and a place that understands my "history." Sometimes I am nurtured by, sometimes I am aggravated by this board. A little like life, I think.


  • xenawarrior

    Sixy is right. It's not JW behavior- it's human behavior. I used to moderate a board which had nothing to do with JW's or Ex-JW's and the same kinds of things you are talking about happened there.

    I too don't care much for the popularity threads except I find it humorous to read certain folks using it as a way to kiss someone else's ass to gain some popularity at the time. Quite amusing.

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