It's Mindboggling

by El Kabong 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • teenyuck
    the popularity threads....folks using it as a way to kiss someone else's ass to gain some popularity at the time.

    Makes it seem more and more like a district assembly...

  • SheilaM
    No wonder people have so many posts.

    Now,Now not all of us use our posts to be obnoxious I have worked hard at sharing, being silly and fluffy and still have a lot of posts. Also, since I kill a large majority of threads I have to have some sort of status in this place

    Sixy, Teeny: Right on

    That is my issue with Min sometimes he doesn't think that his little red dot causes strife and contention but I hate cliques and to see who is your favorite? really gets me upset.

  • Hamas
    the popularity threads....folks using it as a way to kiss someone else's ass to gain some popularity at the time.

    Hahahaha !!!! Thats a good one !

    I must say, I have noticed that. Let's all praise the mighty MINIMUS and FARKEL, because they are high above all else. LOL, reminds me of a C/O visit.

  • JamesThomas

    There seems to be a phenomena where when a big group gathers "cliques" happen. We naturally gravitate toward some more than others. It's just the way it is. Often times when there is a greater degree of unfriendliness happening, which it does at times, there seems to be a counter balancing of friendly input and compassionate posts. When the house gets a little rowdy, some sugar seems to get added. There are many more friendly people here than not and they can easily steer us back to an even keel and bring the place a little peace....until the next time.


  • Maverick

    I think you have valid points, but do consider, often we find what we seek. When I scan the posts some turn me right off and then I turn them right off. Some times I'm in a silly mood and write silly stuff, some tick me off and I vent a little. It is hard when you can't see who you are responding to. I treat the young and tender, the genteel, different than the hard-headed smart alecky types. And some times I misjudge or am outright wrong in my assessment. People here are at different stages and points in life. Maverick

  • minimus

    There sure can be a lot of judging in this place. I find it interesting to see that certain ones keep on talking about the little red dot with all the posts. Do you think, Shelia that your constant comments do not cause strife and contention? If you hate cliques so much, why keep up so many negative comments? It seems that could cause a following.

  • StinkyPantz

    I hate that I have been a main contributor to the strife on this board as of late. A problem I have is that some posters seem to get away with murder and this makes me mad. I've considered calling someone a moron in each of my posts just to see if I can get away with it, I doubt I could. But. . just like someone else said, personality's clash. . it happens. Some of the more opinionated are more likely to clash. I have had many rooting me on, but from the other side, I get people telling me to tone it down.

    So. . this board is supposed to be primarily for post exjw's. . but I've seen newbie's practically slaughtered just for asking questions or disagreeing with an elite member. These are the people that I feel compelled to defend. . .

    What was my point? I have no idea. .

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