Russia - Still King of the North

by proplog2 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • zagor

    Funny, my sister now believes that King of the North is actually European Union and that those toes of clay and iron on statue from Daniel's dream represent countries of Europe where they are bounded together but are not sticking to each other mindset .... go figure

  • James Free
    James Free
    Russia is the one country that can totally destroy the USA.

    The USA launched a pre-emptive attack on Iraq because it had weapons of mass destruction.

    You lost me at that point...Russia could destroy the US? They could in theory, as could Britain, France, Israel, Pakistan, India or any other nuclear power. But only at the cost of destroying virtually everything else, including themselves. Iraq DID NOT HAVE ANY WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.

    What 'King of the North' could destroy the USA and the UK, as the WT lumps them together? Perhaps the most unlikely scenario ever! (Of course, some would say that proves the hand of God - but equally it could mean the prophetic interpretation is crap)

    Ships of Kittim? Well, that actually is CYPRUS. And the ships were Phoenecian. What does this have to do with the 'King of the North' - that's anyone's guess, and nothing more. Perhaps Cyprus really is Atlantis, as some claim, haha

  • proplog2


    There is one major problem with the idea that the King of the North is the European Union.

    Political relations are the domain of each individual member. In that sense it is just an expanded economic cooperative union not a single political entity. There are many groupings of this sort that start with agreements on tariffs and trade and idealistically aim to form a political/military/judicial/legislative union. These efforts seldom get beyond the economic issues.

    The King of the North on the other hand ought to be situated geographically in the North as Russia is. There is nothing North of Russia. No one would seriously consider Canada the King of the North over Russia. Russia is the largest country in the World covering 11 time zones. It is interesting to type RUSSIA NATIONALITIES PROBLEMS into google. You will see that Russia with over 180 nationalities has a real iron/clay mixture. That's why Chechnya is so critical to Russia. A large part of what remains of Russia is like Chechnya. If Chechnya were to leave its Russian orbit all of Russia could crumble.

    Another interesting aspect is the concept of "The Third Rome" . Russia considers itself the successor to the Roman Empire. Type RUSSIA THIRD ROME into google.

  • proplog2

    James Free:

    Remember MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction). Unfortunately there are MAD men in this world. There were people on both sides in the cold war that believed whoever got off the first launch would win. MAD was just a public policy statment. Both sides were prepared to win a nuclear war and boths sides knew the advantage went to the side that acted preemptively

    Russia is the only country in the world that has enough nuclear weapons to pose a credible threat to the USA.

    Here is a rough estimate of deliverable nuclear warheads.

    USA 6000

    Russia 3200

    Great Britain 200

    France 350

    China 350

    India 100

    Pakistan 75

    Israel 200

    N. Korea 14

    Sure, a single warhead can do immense damage, however to win a nuclear war you have to be able to wipe out the other sides capabilities as well as bust up their key cities.

    This requires a first strike. And only Russia has enough missiles to do that.

    As far as Iraq is concerned - please note when this post was originally started and consider the context of the times.

  • James Free
    James Free

    I never noticed the start date before - thanks. Bush's lies were known almost from the beginning, but it took a while for the USA to realize they were duped. Even now many still fall for the lies, that Iraq was part of the war on terror, was involved with Al queda and involved in 9/11 somehow - all untrue.

    But it does serve to highlight how we are living in changing times, and identifying a 'King of the North' by 'current' information is doomed to failure from the start. A lot of the WT explanations really seemed to fit in the sixties and seventies. Then it all fell apart.

    No 'King of the North' is going to destroy the UK and USA in my lifetime. There may be a war, who knows? Putin is increasingly aggressive and Bush is a freaking idiot! But Russia destroying and invading? No way!

  • heathen

    Ok well you may have that , I was thinking the wrong part anyway that part of ships of kittim is talking about the time when the appointed times of nations was fullfilled , could be WW1 or 2 I was really thinking of Daniel 11:40 where the king of the North attacks the king of the south with many ships . The US is the only country with many war ships left .

  • Quandry


    Your "song" was hilarious!! I think you done 'ole Charlie right proud!!!

  • Gayle

    I am amazed at people who believed something so strongly about prophecy, realized it was totally wrong,,then turn around and want to re-state prophecy and want everyone to listen..the Bible life was thousands of year ago,,be very careful how you interpret,,actually I don't want someone's interpretation of prophecy at all! Burned once!

  • nvrgnbk

    Every reasonable person knows that the King of the North, the Eskimo Federation, will attack the King of the South, Greenland. This will result in eternal blessings for seals and whales forever.

  • stillajwexelder

    Reminds me of the old joke “ A penguin spilt ice cream on its feet and then walked into a garage where a n auto-mechanic was working on a car.

    “What has happened to you?”, the mechanic asked the penguin.

    The penguin replied “ I have just blown a seal”

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