I am wondering if thier have been any recent studies done regarding a higher incident of scuicide and mental illness in the JW community
question: scuicide and mental illness
by larrynbabies 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I was told that in addition to my fiancee Megan that there have been 3 here in the fairfield county ohio area this month
If anyone reads this could they please let me know of any that they know of and what area did this take place.
Start here:
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&q=jehovah%27s+witnesses+suicide+statistics :
Suicide--The Hidden Epidemic - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web ...
Jehovah's Witnesses, Suicide Who Are Most at Risk? In this series: ... Suicide is suspected
of being grossly understated in the statistics based on ...
www.watchtower.org/library/g/2000/2/22/article_01.htm - 14k - Cached - Similar pagesSuicide--A Scourge of Young People - Jehovah's Witnesses Official ...
Jehovah's Witnesses, What Hope for Today's Youths? ... Statistics on youth suicide, couched
in clinical and analytic terms, are surprisingly easy to read. ...
www.watchtower.org/library/g/1998/9/8/article_02.htm - 11k - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from www.watchtower.org ]Jehovah's Witnesses are being subverted from within and begin ...
... In my experience Jehovah's Witnesses are, by and large, good living ... For objective
information relating to suicide statistics in various countries, refer to: ...
fatherless.net/actions/jw200111.htm - 13k - Cached - Similar pagesA Worldwide Problem - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site
Jehovah's Witnesses, Life Is Worth Living. ... Statistics, however, cannot tell the
whole story. In many cases family members deny that a death was a suicide. ...
www.testigosdejehova.org/library/ g/2001/10/22/article_01.htm - 14k - Cached - Similar pagesSexual Abuse/Child Abuse Among Jehovah's Witnesses
RELATED TOPICS ON THE NET: NOTE: Most of the links below are provided
for your education. We are not responsible for any errors ...
www.exjws.net/sexabuse/jwabuseleftbanner.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pagesJehovah's Witnesses A Cult?
... In fact, Jehovah's Witnesses are a deadly cult. ... murders, and the Jonestown mass suicide
put together. ... and media references - and cites statistics pointing to a ...
www.eskimo.com/~jcw/jcw11.html - 13k - Cached - Similar pagesARCHIVES JWs on the edge Join the Watchtower News mailing list ...
... Disabled JW couple goes on holiday to commit suicide (posted 4/15/03). ... Update: Worldwide
statistics 0f Jehovah's Witnesses 1988-2002 (posted 12/10/02). ...
www.watchtowernews.org/ - 96k - Cached - Similar pagesSuicide and the Bible by Diane Dew
Suicide and The Bible. "You are not your own, you are bought with a price..."
(1 Corinthians 6:20). by Diane Dew. ... I. Suicide is murder (self-murder). ...
dianedew.com/suicide.htm - 50k - Cached - Similar pagesJehovah's Witnesses: Rebuttal to the Composite Expert Conclusion
... literature has served to improve mental, emotional, and ... transfusion is an encouragement
of suicide is a ... the religious teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses are not ...
www.jw-media.org/region/europe/russia/ english/moscow/e_crt0101.htm - 101k - Cached - Similar pagesHeaven's Gate - 2nd Cult's Leader Still at Large - Rising Death ...
... the modern record for its mass-suicide in 1978 ... have revealed a significantly higher
incidence of mental illness among Jehovah's Witnesses compared with ...
www.webshowplace.com/HeavensGate/home.htm - 25k - Cached - Similar pagesUnited Nations Human Rights Website - Treaty Bodies Database - ...
... on treatment, rehabilitation and suicide prevention ... to heighten awareness of mental
illnesses, but Georgians ... groups such as the Jehovah's Witnesses had emerged ... E.C.12.2002.SR.36.En?Opendocument - 39k - Cached - Similar pagesJehovah's Witnesses in Russia - Rebuttal to the Composite Expert ...
... literature has served to improve mental, emotional, and ... transfusion is an encouragement
of suicide is a ... religious teachings of Jehovah’s Witnesses are not ...
www.jw-russia.org/eng/moscow/01janrebuttal.htm - 101k - Cached - Similar pagesCourse Description
... abuse, eating disorders, running away, suicide, adjustment problems ... be on the Mormons
and Jehovah's Witnesses, and New ... A brief history of mental illness will be ...
www.oakhills.edu/course%20descriptions.htm - 54k - Cached - Similar pagesThe Internet International Directory: D
... Aum Shinri Kyo, Amway, or Jehovah's Witnesses, among others ... in the fields of suicide
prevention and ... Mental health professionals, volunteers, and Net users are ...
www.fos.ut.ac.ir/text/links/home/ inter/Internet/HTML/d2.htm - 52k - Cached - Similar pagesDangerous Minds
... whose members committed collective suicide in Switzerland ... groups such as the Jehovah's
Witnesses or (at ... susceptible to major mental illnesses, including those ...
www.hrw.org/reports/2002/china02/china0802-11.htm - 75k - Cached - Similar pageswww.shamash.org/listarchives/russian-jews/log9606
... various forms of physical and mental abuse, including ... have compiled evidence on individual
suicide and hazing ... Hazing of Jehovah's Witnesses in the military was ...
69k - Cached - Similar pages[PDF] Transcultural Healthcare Transcultural Healthcare
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
... The National Center for Health Statistics maintains a ... or religious groups * Attitudes
about mental illness or ... roots, potions, and herbs for treating illnesses. ...
www.lww.com/promos1/rosdahl/ images/s_sample_chapter.pdf - Similar pagesCommunity Assessment
... could include crisis lines, suicide prevention or ... through their workers at the mental
health centre ... Lutheran, Baptist, Anglican and Jehovah's Witnesses just to ...
www.crpnm.mb.ca/comm.html - 99k - Cached - Similar pages___________________________________
The search engines are valuable in these types of quests.
Happy trails and let me know if I can assist again.
Im feeling a little suicidal myself
Randy Watters site @freeminds.org has an excellent resource link page here:
Scroll carefully to find what you are looking for.
Hamas... honey I know you don't know me and all... but u can pm me. Maybe I can help.
Hamas I am dealing with this myself when you wake up in the morning thinking about the pain you go to sleep at night with the pain and all there is in between is pain it is very easy to just more than think about it you actually start to reason in your mind how and when then it really gets scary when you find your self unconsiously preparing things around you like making a will. having innocent conversations with relatives about what would happen if you were to be killed what would happen to the kids cleaning up the house putting things in boxes leaving notes etc.etc. Yesterday I was in that place and feeling very sad and I sat on my couch and looked to the sky. I asked "god please help me"
It was 10 seconds later my older son cameup from playing his games and simply laid his head in my lap with out saying a word. thank you god
dear larrynbabies,
there are so many things i would like to say to you. my heart goes out to you.
i am glad that you came here and shared your feelings. i am glad that your prayer yesterday was answered. i am sure that every poster here would like to reach out to you and offer support.
i had a sibling that committed suicide and left everyone in the family devastated. it was so unbelievable and of course all of the survivors blame themselves. if only i did this, if only i did that, if only i reached out, if only i saw the signs, if only i had been more loving......
this would be the most unfair thing you could do to your children.....and they do not deserve to lose you.
suicide is not the answer. suicide is a permanent and irrevocable solution to a temporary situation. keep telling yourself that this too shall pass.... keep relying on the lord....
and please see into the possibility of counseling. perhaps what you need to help you feel better is something simple -- perhaps an antidepressant. there is no reason why you should have to live with such pain.
please know that we care. please keep posting.
my very best wishes, nowisee
Welcome to the board Larry, I am sorry to hear of all of your troubles.
My mother committed suicide when she was 35 years old, just disfellowshipped for four months for smoking, which she picked up again in the rehab, for chemical dependancy.( prescribed pain pills)
For years as a witness , she was unhappy, for many reason, there were issues with her mom, a sad marriage with my dad who was so different than her free spirit ways. She was an elders wife durning all of this time and not alot of people knew about her drug abuse until it got very bad, and embarrassing.
The elders swept it under the carpet , because Dad was an elder and he told them he would handle things. He really did try many times to help her but she just couldnt shake the addiction for any length of time.
There were many things that could have contributed to her suicide. THe elders that disfellowshipped her, never tried to see her in the hospital, didnt call even, and she was d/f thru the mail. She really felt throw away. By my dad who hooked up with a young sister from our hall and left my mother, by her parents who walked out of the family participation in her drug recovery, and by her religion. In her mind, she figured Jehovah didnt love her anymore and she was not worthy of his forgiveness.
I dont know what her final thoughts were, there was no note, no clues that she was planning on taking her life. I was only 18 ,but I begged her to get out of the situation she was in,,,,, she quickly married a man she met in rehab and he was abusive , mean , and also still on drugs.
The last thing she said to me was she was givng everything that was so messed up 2 weeks and then she was going to stand on her own for the first time in her life. I tried so hard to build a mother daughter relationship with her and was more of the advice giver, the shoulder to cry on, than I should have been. But it had always been that way. I can't imagine the lonliness she must have felt. But the one person who was standing there with her, me, wasnt enough to stop her from leaving this world. I used to think what I could have done better to have stopped her........ but now I know , it was beyound my control , even thou I tried.
I was so mad at my mother for leaving me, we had finally started getting close, she was even acting like a mother to me, cooking me breakfast when I visited and comforting me , we laughed , we cried , we went shopping.
I got over being mad at my mom , because I know she was in a place that was so dark , she can't be blamed or hated for that, but deserves my understanding. And now that I am a mother and have lived life some, I can understand more and more about her.
I am glad that you had your child with you and that made you feel like going on. Mine have kept me going at times too. I just dont think I could ever leave them , to grow up without a mother, like I had to.
Everyday , after 17 years I miss my mom, I will never get over her suicide and all the unanswered questions. I never want my kids to grow up and wonder why, if I were to do that. But I also know that a suicidal depressed person does not think logically about the future or about others, I always try to keep a check on myself so I never get into that dark place.
Keep fighting for what you want Larry, fight to keep your kids, fight to be happy, and fight for life.
And please, keep opening up to those who can help you, even expressing your feelings here. I really think with all of my heart, if my mom had just one good friend, to turn to, that loved her unconditionally, as much as one can,,,,,,,,, she might still be here.
Being alone , and withdrawing from people is what really gets alot of people, when they get depressed, be it a chemical imbalance or life's crap, or both,,,,,,people need to feel loved and that someone out there cares about them.
I want to thank you for sharing that. I know how painful it is for me to even think about megan. I have found that besides therapy this is the best place I have found to at least get it out. When Megan died I could not spend another night in my home fortunately the twins happened to be in lancaster with thier aunt we had come up to columbus that weekend for my older sons birthday and we had to come back up on a tues for a cleft pallet appointment for one of the twins so peggy asked if she could watch them for a couple of days. So the first thing I needed to do after megans death was to go to my babies. We were living in N. ky at the time so I came up to lancaster. It was megans aunt who took care of the babies for those first weeks while I was trying to pull myself together. I dont know anyone here. I have no friends here. But I know that if I am to make it I will need the support of some of megans non jw family. I will do whatever it takes and I so much appreciate every thing they have done for me. I would be lost right now without them. But it is still very lonely and I find myself being shut in. which is bad. Since I have found this site I have been able to express feelings I havent been able to and it is therepudic. I wish Megan knew about this site I truely feel that she was alone in ways I could not help her. I read stories and it is almost as if she had written them. I feel so bad for all the people who have had to endure the experiences that this religion has caused. It seems like there is a no win situation trying live life as a jw. Life was not meant to have to bear the cross day after day it seems like some people take pride in it almost to the point that the bigger the cross the better. Well this is very sad because someone has already been there and done that, his name is jesus