Went to Cosco today and all sold out of toilet paper, hand sanitizer and paper towels. It didn't stop everyone from pigging out on the free samples though. One lady went back four times and on the fourth time I told her she needs a corona to down all that food she piled in. She just laughed but I don't think it sunk in. Never seen so many people coughing and not covering their mouths. Now when someone coughs at me I cough right back at them. Love the stupid stare they give back.
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon 656 Replies latest jw friends
On the BBC station they were saying that everyone is running to emerg in Ottawa thinking they have the Coronvirus. The emerg was packed with nineteen ambulance beds in line trying to get their patients triaged and couldn't get in. There was a line up from the ambulances on one side of the hospital and the emergency rooms packed. They said if your needing assistance by ambulance you will be waiting a long time due to all these people that are panicking. Also in Toronto a student didn't know if he should go and write his tests at his university because his dad is under house arrest due to coming back from Iran and having it. Yet there were others in the same household going about their business coming and going and possibly spreading the virus. And Kitchener Ontario a woman returning from Italy contracted it. Total of 22 in Ontario alone
Water. Why not just boil the water out of the tap? Also in the camping section of stores you can buy water purifying tablets to have on hand. Also save milk jugs or any beverage container and fill it with your tapwater. Worried about it just sitting there, reboil if it comes to that.
Heck, buying Gatorade is just about the same as buying water in price. Reuse the bottles. At worst you'll have Gatorade for the hot summer months.
Why not buy alcohol and mix 60% alcohol with 40% water? That would cost hardly anything. (in addition to hand sanitizer and soap)
Food. There are so many cheap foods that one could just add water to. Buy bulk multi vitamins to make up for the lack of vitamins in the cheap dried foods.
I'm also sooo not above telling someone to cover their mouth when they cough.I don't care if it pisses them off. I'm also the kind of weirdo that if someone coughs on an isle (many times they don't even have to cough) I will just about pass out from holding my breath as I pass them to get down the isle and breath.
Toilet paper. (obviously buy some) Save your news papers. That stack of old tshirts you were going get rid of, cut them up. At worst they can be shop rags later. Paper towel rolls can be cut in half, literally.
Heres a vid on how to make a DIY mask, There are many more vids on how. I like that they added a plastic shield to cover your eyes.
At this point I'm not ashamed to carry Lysol and spray it when I'm in an Isle at the store. In fact I'm seeing people do it here already.
DIY MASK VIDEO https://youtu.be/aNjpH5lBZ8w
l went to buy flour and rice today was none tried 3 supermarkets.pasta was all sold out as well.
The death rate for the corona virus is around 2%, somewhere between 1-2%. It obviously depends on many factors, but say 2%.
Its first pass around the globe will take 18 months and infect 40-70% of the earth’s population, this is now inevitable according to some scientists..(epidemiologist?)
If 50% are infected and 2% die, it looks like you’ll almost certainly know of somebody who dies from it over the next 18months.
Could it be you?
If you are infected and over 80 years old, your chances of death are more like 14-15%
If you are over 70, it’s closer to 5%.
Anyone born after 1980 has about 0.2% of death, and children are not affected by the virus.
Any underlying health conditions will make things worse, but If you’re a fit and healthy 30 to 50 year old your chances of dying are extremely slim.
When the plague swept through London in the 1340’s it wiped out half the population.
This isn’t the plague and this panic buying of toilet paper is stupid and irrational, the hint is in the name “panic buying”.
The best protection is good clean living, unfortunately not well practiced these days. All these fat people filling shopping trolleys with detergent and toilet paper, the only thing they should panic about is their physical condition.
Eat lots of veggies and exercise often, lift weights and do proper vigorous workouts. This is a proven health stimulant and easily the best known to mankind.
If it is worst case and turns out to be the apocalypse, I’ll gladly give 200 rolls of toilet paper and 12 bottles of hand sanitizer for some electrical insulation tape or something useful
Someone mentioned Thieves Oil and to read up on the history of it. I went on Amazon for the States and Canada and all sold out. Also the healthfood stores that sell it is all sold out. Has anyone used it and what what did you think of it
Never seen so many people coughing and not covering their mouths. Now when someone coughs at me I cough right back at them. Love the stupid stare they give back.
Yeah, as a society we need to do better with our social hygiene. We could cut down on a lot of other things transmitting as well as this.
Also in Toronto a student didn't know if he should go and write his tests at his university because his dad is under house arrest due to coming back from Iran and having it. Yet there were others in the same household going about their business coming and going and possibly spreading the virus. And Kitchener Ontario a woman returning from Italy contracted it. Total of 22 in Ontario alone
People are fucking stupid, but it turns out the government is made of people which explains why they are concentrated stupid. This whole vague messaging thing as protection is idiotic and insufficient. People coming back on flights from these mass-outbreak places a) shouldn't be coming back at all and b) should undergo a forced quarantine.
We had a perfect protection - oceans. But they have been pissed away by politicians with no balls.
I'm also sooo not above telling someone to cover their mouth when they cough.I don't care if it pisses them off. I'm also the kind of weirdo that if someone coughs on an isle (many times they don't even have to cough) I will just about pass out from holding my breath as I pass them to get down the isle and breath.
Someone was coughing in front of me the other day, not into their arm or even their hands (bad enough). A loud "for fucks sake" usually acts as a good reminder but I'm prepared to up it to "do that again and I'll fucking drop you" if needs be.
If 50% are infected and 2% die, it looks like you’ll almost certainly know of somebody who dies from it over the next 18months.
Could it be you?
If you are infected and over 80 years old, your chances of death are more like 14-15%. If you are over 70, it’s closer to 5%.
These are reasons to be uncivil to people who don't take it seriously and put others at risk. Maybe it will wake them up.
The best thing you can do for old people now is probably keep them in and have strict quarantine rules to protect them. Sanitize things coming into the house, take them for drives out in the country, avoid people and be careful of kids - they don't get it but it's unclear yet if they can be spreaders.
What you want to do is have them get past the biggest risk period, to when vaccines maybe developed or enough people have built up immunity that the spread is much slower and contraction less likely.
What you want to do is have them get past the biggest risk period, to when vaccines maybe developed or enough people have built up immunity that the spread is much slower and contraction less likely
Yes and hopefully a drug or vaccine isn’t far off.
I heard a University in Australia identified the protein that the virus uses to invade cells, spike protein or something I don’t remember details but they do believe it could be controlled via a drug.
More funding is needed for real science in Australia, science to fund and find cures for things like this, not funding departments who create female wage gap and climate change graphs through dodgy statistics.
We don’t even have a national centre for disease control in Australia, the federal government has left it for individual state control. That is so stupid beyond belief, this lack of preparation our so called government has could be the difference between maybe 10-50k deaths to something like 250 000 dead Australians.
I was at one of the Ottawa Costco's on Monday, and as I brought in the shopping cart one of the employees offered to wipe down the cart handle with a Lysol wipe. I let that happen and then thought to myself, "okay, now where's the Purell so I can sanitize my hands that have just been touching the handle before you wiped it down?" It's these kinds of gaps that give people a false sense of security with the efforts to help, when in fact it seemed to me to be more of a mentality from Costco of "hey, look at us, we're doing something to keep our customers safe, so shop here even more!" They were out of toilet paper the following day.
I also took an inventory of my supply of N-95 masks, which I use every day in my work. I'm probably okay for a month or so. I also ordered more from my supplier, knowing there is a backorder, hoping that I'll be in the queue when they become available once again, and won't have to reschedule clients due to lack of masks.