When I made my previous statement about the majority of Muslims being peace-loving....I was thinking about the Muslim family that attends my daughter's school. I don't know them personally, but from all appearances they seem like peace-loving people to me. But, your statement struck a cord in me...did I only see what I want to see?....
taken from www.answering-islam.org.uk/Terrorism/peace-loving.html
Originally I had thought that the Quran was like the Bible in many ways, contradictions throughout, promoting peace in one scripture and killing babies in the next. I have heard of quotes from the Quran promoting peace among Muslims, and I have heard quotes promoting the extermination of all non-Muslims.
What must be understood before comparing texts from the Quran is that there are inconsistences between earlier statements and later statements. And, when this does happen, the later texts are to be followed. To "aborgate" the earlier texts is extremely important to remember when examining quotes and adherring to them for a Muslim.
Examples of earlier texts from the Quran:
"Let there be no compulsion in religion." 2:256
"Therefore expound openly what thou art commanded, and turn away from those who join false gods with Allah." 15:94
These texts in no way promote violence to the unbeliever. Next, we will see a later text which should supersede the previous texts because of "aborgation."
"But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem(of war); but if they repent, and establish regular Prayers and practice regular Charity, then open the way for them; for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." 9:5
This text which promotes the killing of non-Muslims aborgates the earlier texts of non-violence. This to me is key to understanding why some Muslims will be seen promoting peace and some are extreme in their views of ridding the world of infidels. After doing some research, I have found that the majority of texts promoting peace in the Quran are aborgated by verse 9:5. Hence, all unbelievers are now obligated by Islam to convert or be killed. The Quran orders Muslims to fight in order to establish Allah's kingdom on earth by any means. Verse 9:5 is commonly called "the verse of the sword."
The Hadeeth is the second source of Islamic doctrine...and it completely agrees with the Quran concerning violence and hatred toward all non-Muslims. Example: "Muhammad said: I swear to Him who has my soul in his hands, I was sent to you with nothing but slaughter."-Ibn Haban in his Sahih, vol 14, p 529. Another: "I heard the prophet of Allah saying, I will cast Jews and Christains out of the pennisula and I won't leave any one in it but Muslims." - spoken by Omar Ibn al-Khatah from Sunan Abu Dawud, vol 2, no. 28 from the Muhaddith program.
Most moderate Muslims declare that they do indeed pursue peace, do not wish to force their faith on others and respect the existence of non-Muslim religions. To do this, however, and be a moderate, conservative Muslim requires them to REJECT the commands from the Quran and other writings that perpetuate violence and hatred. The question is how many Muslims out there in the world are moderate....and how many adhere to the teachings of Islam to the letter. Are the moderates wolves in sheeps clothing? Too many questions, not enough answers. I will be doing more research on this, but I am afraid that I will not find the peaceful answer I look for.
another source of information: www.answers.org/cultsandreligions/islampeace.html
Mrs. Shakita