Valis: Let's get down in the mud together, eh?
some things like murder, incest, rape, and racism, could be called things that fall under universal morals IMO
Now, don't take me wrong; my own morals would prevent me from ever doing any of the above. But you classify these things as universal morals. Based on what rules? what unequivocal and objective standard? If you have a demonstrably authoritative "manual" that defines these actions as right or wrong, I'd love to see it.
Barring such a "manual," we face the prospect that the acts you list are determined to be unacceptable only as per an ethic (For the sake of clarity, I ask any and all to review the definition of "ethical" given on page 1). One society may collectively decide that executing criminals or aborting babies is not murder; another society that incest is a natural part of the human life cycle; another society that rape or spousal abuse is survival of the strongest; another society that racism is survival of the fittest. For example, pure Darwinism would allow for all of these acts.
On the other hand, #1 and #2 of this thread give universal and fundamental precedence to the right and value of the individual, and thereby forbid any such violations against the individual. At the same time, they require that we respect the inviolability of the individual insofar as including their right to choose death at such time, in such manner, and for such reasons, as they decide for themselves (including a JW refusal of blood transfusions, or AlanF dressing up as Superman and jumping off a building).
Most of us won't get into the semantics of moral vs ethical, we'll just do the right thing
Now I'm banging my head against the concrete wall!
selfish bastards that we are.
Ahhhh, now I feel better. Selfish is not's just selfish. It may not, and need not, mean anything to anybody else; but for me, to just say straight out "I'm going to do this simply and only because I'm selfish" is a fulcrum by which I can balance my soul.
we need to develop a whole new moral code
Exactly! Exactly! And a moral code that applies across the board, equally and without reservation or qualification to all people and all times. That's what I find so personally inspiring about #1 and #2 (as poorly as I've expressed the ideas). It doesn't depend on some written code, or on some theory about life. It's all about what we are.
Dear sir, I bow back to you, and to all the others that are participating in my experience.