The recent Algerian earth quake has claimed over 1,000 lives.
Quakes hit without warning, indiscriminately killing hundreds in just a matter of seconds.
Quakes strike terror in the hearts of people who then become so gripped with fear they are driven from their homes.
Quakes trap women and young children, burinig them alive where they may live for several days longer while their fellow man tires to dig them out racing against time.
Religion tries to explain away that mankinds problems are brought on by their own sin.
Are earth quakes a product of man's sin or a flaw in god's design of the earth?
Why couldn't a perfect god have created earth in a more perfect way, keeping tetonic plates from hitting each other in order to prevent such tragic loss of human life?
If he could have and didn't or could stop it and doesn't then if there is a god is he better than any other terrorist?