Is God an international terrorist?

by BeelzeDub 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • BeelzeDub

    The recent Algerian earth quake has claimed over 1,000 lives.

    Quakes hit without warning, indiscriminately killing hundreds in just a matter of seconds.

    Quakes strike terror in the hearts of people who then become so gripped with fear they are driven from their homes.

    Quakes trap women and young children, burinig them alive where they may live for several days longer while their fellow man tires to dig them out racing against time.

    Religion tries to explain away that mankinds problems are brought on by their own sin.

    Are earth quakes a product of man's sin or a flaw in god's design of the earth?

    Why couldn't a perfect god have created earth in a more perfect way, keeping tetonic plates from hitting each other in order to prevent such tragic loss of human life?

    If he could have and didn't or could stop it and doesn't then if there is a god is he better than any other terrorist?

  • Yerusalyim


    Not that you'll accept this, but the fault is human kinds, not God's. God made a perfect world that we have ruined and continue to ruin by our sin. COULD God intervene? Sure. We have no idea how many people God might have taken out of that situation and kept alive that might have died. However, God generally doesn't over ride the laws of nature he set in motion. Death is a part of the human existence. God understands that well in that he took on human flesh and suffered death for us.

    This life is just an empty shell.

  • searchfothetruth

    If you calculate all the people God killed in the book of Deutronomy the figure comes to around 14,000,000.

    He not only ordered the killing of soldiers, but of the women and children too.

    Genocide, Jehovah style.

  • beckyboop

    YES! As someone said a few days ago, "You cannot truly love someone who will kill you if you don't". I think a God with millions of murders under his belt would definitely qualify as an international terrorist, especially since he didn't want to kill "Satan" in front of the legions of angels. No, it's much better to kill millions of people, including innocent children and babies.

    No thanks, I choose NOT to support an international terrorist.


  • expatbrit

    Perhaps the UN can pass a resolution (or seventeen) threatening God with "serious consequences" if he doesn't stop his rogue behaviour. Then we can send Hans Blix to heaven to perform inspections.


  • Realist


    am i right with the assumption that you believe in genesis and not in evolution?

  • BeelzeDub


    [QUOTE]Not that you'll accept this, but the fault is human kinds, not God's.[/QUOTE]

    I would accept this, if it made sense.

    [QUOTE]God made a perfect world that we have ruined and continue to ruin by our sin.[/QUOTE]

    If God made a perfect world there would be no earth quakes, he would have desiged it perfectly wouldn't he? Did man's sin cause god to go back and change the way the earths core moves? If he didn't then it wasn't a perfect world to begin with.

    This logic seem to be more of an excuse to let god off the hook and blame man's sin on every problem, including the ones that are labeled "acts of god"

    BTW, can you say what your wifes maden name was? I grew up in the same circuit where she is from and may know her or others in common. You mentioned in a post some time ago that you had a band teacher who was a JW when you were in high school. He was the PO of a congregation I went to 5 years ago before I left the Borg.

    Thanks for your comments even though I don't agree, even though I would like to if it made sense.

    Expat: That was a South Park epesode.... after Sadam was killed, the US wanted to go to heaven and search for MWD.

    Huricanes, typhoons, earth quakes, volcano eruptions, tornados. I think god does have quite an arsinal of WMD.

  • searchfothetruth

    This thread made me think of some of the ways Jehovah killed people in the old testament...sadistic.

    Sodom and Gommorrah : Fire and Sulphar - sounds like Napalm to me

    Flood - Worlds biggest ever drowning!

    Israelite Armies : Ethnic cleansing on a vast scale.

    Snake Bites / Bear Attacks : Using the animal kingdom to do his dirty work...nice touch

    Earthquakes : ...did the ground move for you?

    Tent peg through the Head : very original!

    Any more?

  • Yerusalyim


    Actually I believe in Creationary Evolution. The Genesis account is too pat to be meant to be taken literally. COULD God have created in six days? Sure, but the God I worship put a bit more thought into it. No, I beleive that God directed the evoluntionary process knowing the outcome in advance.


    Your presumption is that somehow an earthquake is an imperfection, that's not necessarily true.

    That death and sickness exist is man's fault for our collective sinful nature. Almost a cosmic Karma if you will (but not quite).

    Death would be a horrible thing, the worst thing, if it were the end, but life on this earth is only the beginning.

    I don't fully understand the mystery of why bad things happen to good people, or that good things happen to bad people, but I have faith (faith is useless without dobut, so you're half way there).

    I'll send you my wife's name in a message, trusting you won't spam it out.

    The band teacher was actually in Illinois (you have a good memory). His name escapes me now. Maybe I'll remember later.

  • BeelzeDub


    I admire your faith, and sometimes wonder if the JW religion has a corrupting influence on faith as a whole after leaving. For me I need more to get my arm around. If a car company built cars that would randomly explode killing the passengers and then their Lawyers claimed it wasn't a design flaw but the fault of the driver for being a sinner that would be crazy in my opinion. God had to have designed the earth this way and certainly he could have not if he wanted to being perfect as claimed.

    If you tried to email and it didn't go through please try again, my account was turned off. [email protected]

    I will not spam, just currious if we know each other. I am 40 year old so there may be an age gap there. Could your band teachers name have been D, Setar? Still a die hard JW in ILL.

    Regards, Beelz

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