People have touched on this subject in other posts.....
I was just wondering ..... has there EVER been anything good come about thanks to Christianity?
All I can think of is oppression, torture, hypocrisy, etc......
by Hamas 25 Replies latest jw friends
People have touched on this subject in other posts.....
I was just wondering ..... has there EVER been anything good come about thanks to Christianity?
All I can think of is oppression, torture, hypocrisy, etc......
I think origionally there is good in christianity, unfortunatly it becomes a nasty issue of forcing ones personal befiefs on another person. Isn't christianity surpose to be about helping your fellow man/woman ? Instead it's turned into making others beleive what you beleive. I can see no other reason for this than justification. You feel unless you can make others beleive the same thing you beleive, then there is no justification for your beleifs if that makes any sence.
In my town in the midwest USA, the Catholic Church has done the most to help people. They have provided schools, a hospital, nursing homes, old people's home, food and shelter for the homeless, and counseling services on every level. They visit the sick and the old and they do not shun or divide families. As religious people doing good, the Catholics get my vote.
There are many others here all doing good too. Next come the Lutherans and Methodists. My friends in the Covenant Church have been wonderful to me and I am very grateful to them. This community is much better for having these people here.
Better to ask: "What good has ever come from any religious system?" There are lots of good things that have occurred and it does not take a whole lot to read history and figure that out.
Then if you are any good at thinking do what you should always do and ask the next question: "What bad has come from any religious system?" Here too you can find answers by examining the historical record.
So keep going and ....ask the next question: Do the good results outweigh the bad results? Now that's the subjective part...and you can form some stronger opinions.
Then again...if you are a thinker you could of course ask the next question....
Religion has always been an easy thing to use to control people into doing what they want. It has been an easy tool for war and properganda and control. Actually, I was just going to defend religion but I've just talked myself out of it. Well not religion, it's personal belief that needs protecting apart from religion.
I don't think men can be trusted, it has to be regulated by the state or something (an idea I heard recentley that made a lot of sense). It needs a body that's it's answerable to, so people can be heard and things can be properly regulated.
As has been said we can ask the same question of ANY religion.
Opression, torture, hypocrisy, etc all appear when man realises he can control people with their faith in a god.
Power, wealth all contribute to it.
Once those in leadership realise what they have it becomes corrupt. Control the religion and you control the people.
Whether those who are in control are a Emperors,Pope, Archbishop, Governing Body, Ayatollahs, Imans etc. Once one single person/group gains control of a peoples faith, not God, then it will become corrupt and become oppressive.
Which is why the Bible warned that cruel men, oppressive wolves would enter the Christian religion.
Thats why it is essential a religion of personal faith and should not be reliant on any man-made, or controlled heirarchy.
Much good has come from some people who are Christians. Many Christian organisations are involved in very creditable work with those who need help the most.
Obviously there are some Christians who are despicable scum bags. There are also Christian organsiations that cause harm, and some Christian religions have at points in their history pursued agendas which are very out of line with current Christian thinking, such as war, persecution, discrimination and torture.
But you get that in every religion and out of religion.
Honestly Hamas, from someone who doesn't support blowing civilians up but uses the name of an organisation that has selected blowing civilians up as an effective tool of terror, you have a strange set of priorities. Are you just doing the religious finger pointing that some Christians did to Islam on the thread last week?
Where are you going with this?
On the contary, I was going to ask
'What GOOD has ever come out of ANY religion?' , but decided to name Christianity as an example. You are right, many pointed the finger at Islam the other day but that has nothing to do with this thread.
What good ever came of Christianity? It saved us from Islam!!! LOL!!!! (yes Hamas, I'm completely expecting a reply from you on this one..........)
I think some have mentioned it> but I think the better question would be> Has any good come from Christians,?Yes! Schools, Hospitals, Halfway Houses etc: But it doesnt mean it was a religion that started them it means that some LOVING folks with kind hearts saw there was a need for help & got together to start them. June Caldwell is an unbeliever -but she has love in her heart -After seeing the JW "JIM "suffering from Aids ( he was interfered with by an elder as a kid & came to the conclusion he was gay.)She opened up "Casey" house for Aids people. So MY opinion is>>> If God is the God of LOVE ( I think he is) & if he is examining hearts.As He says.... It must be Christians ( although they may not call themselves that ) Because He was (Christ) the one that told us what we had to do to be one...... "Do unto others as you would have like done to you" " If they want your undercoat -give your over coat" ( or visa versa)
The good samaritian > who helped the traveller... So many my 2 cents as usual...... I know this will get rebuttals -But thats okay lets agree to disagree.
Junes Book is called "JIM" Very sad story....