Christian ethics: Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself--and this extends to loving those who are different from your group, the "Samaritans" you dislike. And not just the ones you may dislike, but loving those who actively hate you; praying for the best of those who are persecuting you. Forgiving all those who sin against you--or you will forfeit your own forgiveness from God.
...Stop judging people based simply on their actions; submit/commit your way to God, who knows your own heart (and every one else's true motives as well)... Live with love; live in faith in God to work all things to good. Because Jesus lives, there is always hope.
Also, actively doing good by assisting the poor, or inviting the poor to occasions tho' they can't return favors. Lending without expecting payback. Turn the other cheeck; go the extra mile. Doing good works/fasting/praying without a trumpet in front of you. Whatever you do to the "least" on earth is considered an act toward Christ.
We might be able to count hospitals, but think of the people that, because they were Christians, obeyed Christ's commands and forgave/prayed for/ helped others. The forgiveness that has flowed in my own family came only because of such obedience, and the goodness that has resulted is immeasureable! It keeps on coming, too.