The Catholic Answer to that question is "final irrepentence" This is NOT defined as Suicide, but rather as knowing God is all good and loving and still rejecting him.
What is the only sin you can't be repentant of?
by Swan 19 Replies latest jw experiences
((((((((((( Tammy )))))))))))) & ((((((((((((( Craig))))))))))))))))
Monkey, I just wanted to tell you what a beautiful person you are,,,,,,,,,,,,,red hair and all, as you see I am partial to redheads my mother was a redhead..........( well not that red but red just the same) I have been getting to know you more here lately reading your post and you are a kind, sweet, funny, openminded person, who is truly a gem to those you around I am sure. I am glad you see that you are loved in God's eyes, for being who you are,........ and so different than those Pharisees, I mean JW's, oh hell , what's the difference right??? LOL. Just know that you do not go unnoticed here,and you are a wonderful person just the way you are, never change to fit a mold ever again.
You see, my mother never fit the JW mold, she was kind of like this very well dressed , hippie on the inside flower child, that only wanted love and to love others, too bad we lose the best of the best people. My mom escaped her plight , that of living with my elder father, and the borg in itself. If she had never answered that door to them that day and brought them into her home,,,,,,,,when she was so young, who knows what she would be like today, I bet she would still be here.
I know she was so full of guilt and she told me point blank that she knew she had committed the unforgivable sin....... I asked her why she thought that.......... she said because she sinned knowing she was sinning. I told her we all sin knowing damn good we are sinning.......smoking, fornication or whatever sin of the flesh as they would say,,,,,,,,,, but her heart was never evil to God.
She looked at me , as if that was the first time she had ever heard that ............I really think all the drugs thru the years made her forget so much and she was stoned at all the meetings towards the end of when I lived at home.
But then she smiled and keep cutting cucumbers......... I will never forget that was one of our last talks. I wish I could have comforted her more, maybe I did for a brief moment. But depression, fueled by unneccessary guilt is a terribel combination.
Lady Lee
This particular belief of the WTS is the one that stopped me from commiting suicide. Maybe because I was thinking so much about it, I wound up hearing that commiting suicide would result in eternal death. I thought I was willing to die but wanted the resurrection so I could come back without the pain.
My only other escape from an abusive husband/elder was to commit adultery. In my mind I wound up thinking that I had a better chance of forgiveness from this than a suicide
The exteme drastic measures this organization drives people to is beyond belief. There is most definitely something wrong - seriously, with an organization that uses God to manipulate and control people into believing they are "happy" meanwhile ignoring such pain as abuse, mental illness and suicide
((((((Lady Lee)))))),
i am very sorry to hear that you had such a hard time ...
The Catholic Answer to that question is "final irrepentence" This is NOT defined as Suicide, but rather as knowing God is all good and loving and still rejecting him.
and who could claim to know God that well? -
Yeru, can you tell me a little more on this, I dont think I understand this clearly. I was baptized Catholic as a baby and have often wanted to investigate the Catholic church again.......but I have so much trouble with any religion that has so many rules , regulations etc. I am not saying this is so with the Catholic church , I just dont have any experience with it at all. All of my Catholic relatives, I dont see them much, all think my mother is in heaven.
This certainly is a tragic circumstance. What an asshole. Then again, most Jehovah's Witnesses are.
However, what the Circuit Overseer said conflicts with what Jehovah's Witness doctrine has taught. Your pioneer relative is wrong as well.
According to the Watchtower, it is more than just suicide that can be considered a sin one cannot be repentant of.
Hopefully some of the former elders like JT, AlanF, etc. can back me up here. I am posting from work and do not have the literature to cite.
Watchtower teachings have defined an entire class of inforgivable sins. These are defined as sinning against the holy spirit, or purposely doing wrong (i.e. disfellowshipping offenses without remorse, and intentionally) without regard for the mercy of "Jehovah's forgiveness."
To repent means to change one's mind with regard to past action, conduct, etc.on account of regret or dissatisfaction or to feel regret, contriton, for what one has done or omitted to do. It suggests a change of mind or feelings. If one is dead, they are unable to regret something.
Lady Lee wrote:
This particular belief of the WTS is the one that stopped me from commiting suicide. Maybe because I was thinking so much about it, I wound up hearing that commiting suicide would result in eternal death. I thought I was willing to die but wanted the resurrection so I could come back without the pain.
This teaching worried me too. I think that is why I never went ahead with any of my escape plans. However, the answer I came up with was to do nothing in the event of danger, or to drive like a maniac on a particularly windy and hilly road on the way from and to my house. In my depressed mind, with it's twisted thinking, I thought that if a fatal accident befell me, then it too would be an escape, and one more acceptable to my family and my religion. Therefore if a bus was coming for me in the crosswalk or a train as I was crossing the tracks, I was resolved not to rush out of the way.
It's silly now that I look back at it, but it was a very real plan back then about 15 years ago. It shows how twisted my thinking was, because now I am very careful and cautious about things and my driving is very safe.
So here I am and I am thankful, but not to the WT. I made it, but it was due to dumb luck and a lot of work on my part to understand myself (through therapy and self introspection) and change my thinking. I now wonder that, if I had never been a JW, would I have had these same thoughts and feelings, or if I did, to the degree that I did. I really believe that the WT environment exacerbated this condition greatly and they also actively discouraged effective treatment. So I am very glad I made it with all I had stacked against me.
I am glad you are here too, Lady Lee, Onacruse, and Monkey.
The answer that I going to give is %100 unfamilure to all of you. If you are in Christ then the work of Christ covers every sin commited for the one God has given faith to (the believer).
It (the blood of Christ) covers all sin past present and future commited by the believer, even the sin of suicied. So if a Christian does himself in he is still covered by Christ both in his blood (substatution atonement) and his imputed rightiousness and goes to heaven. He goes to heven outside of any work or thing he does he goes to heaven on the basis of Christ work alone.
If God saves you you cannot sin yourself out of the kingdom or out of salvation that is an Arminian error.
Unfortunatly Christians sin often, the good news is that Christ has covered for the sins of christians too. That is the good news and it is that good news that gives the power to grow in Christ and the power to defete temptation of sin and to sin less and less.
If you want to save yourself like a JW or what ever then go ahead it just isn't going to do you any good and it doesn't make you morally better but just morally worse.
What is the only sin you can't be repentant of?
I think the answer is somewhat along the lines a few others have spoken. It is not accepting Christ as your savior and asking for his forgivness because why would you repent of that if you didn't believe in it?Of course, once you do, and you ask for forgivness, then the slate's wiped clean and you're forgiven. So there is really no way to loose out on eternal life other than just refusing to accept it.
On the suicide issue - only a truly sad and broken spirit attempts suicide - not a rebellious one and not one that refuses Christ - just a very lost and sad person. I don't believe God punishes individuals because they made a mistake, because they "sinned", he only punishes those that refuse to repent. Romans 4:7-8 "Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him" - the bible doesn't say blessed is he who DOES NOT SIN because we ALL SIN.