Hallo again.
To all of you who said hallo and welcome, thank you very much.
Yes District Overbeer,it does feel good to be out of the shadows-a step forward to recovery i think.
Utopian Raindrops,thank you for the flowers,and yes,I bet we could tell a lot of true story´s about how it is to be a single mom as a JW.Later on I´ll tell you some of them.
Iron Gland: Roxette,Abba,Ace of Base good party musik,Bjørn Borg? Hardworking man I guess,with a good instinct for business.Also a lady´s friend from what I read in the papers.Healthy man!
Asleif-dufansdottir...your alias is from Iceland isn´t it? You are right I shouldent worry about being DF´d-but they have nothing on me so why should I hand it to them?But you are so right,it wears you out,all the letters,visits,phonecalls.They don´t understand why I´m not attending meetings anymore,and I´m not going to tell them.As a single woman they don´t count you for anything anyway,so why bother? I don´t think they´ll change anything anyhow.
xjw-b12, betrayal from HQ?
When found out about the UN thing, I contacted headoffice here in Danmark asking for an explanation and you wouldent believe the lies they told.When they finally got confronted with proof, they didn´t even answer anymore. And they act on command from HQ.I was thinking the other day, they call it the truth,but for me it sounds like they should change it to "the falsehood".