top ten worst pick-up lines

by greven 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • greven

    The Top Ten Worst Opening Lines of All Time:

    #10 - You look like a hooker I knew in Phoenix.

    #9 - You remind me of my dead ex-girlfriend.

    #8 - If you were a booger I'd pick you first.

    #7 - You look just like my mama. I love my mama.

    #6 - Gross! Somebody farted. Let's get out of here.

    #5 - Hey, baby, wanna go halves on a bastard?

    #4 - So... is it safe to say I'm gonna get lucky tonight?

    #3 - You'll do.

    #2 - Wow! Are those real?

    And the #1 worst opening line of all time "Gee, for a fat girl, you sure don't sweat much."

  • Sirona

    LOL! Or

    "get your coat. You've pulled"


  • TresHappy

    One of my favorite lines to use after one of those pick-up lines comes from an old episode of Rhoda, starring Valerie Harper. She and her sister are in some bar or restaurant and a guy comes to Rhoda and says "Why don't you smile?" Rhoda looks at him, puts her lips over her teeth and says "I would but I don't have any teeth."

    And my best friend from college - some guy comes up to her and says "What do you do for a living?", to which my friend replies "I am the one who scrapes the dead animals off the street."

  • ballistic

    Is that a ladder in your tights or the stairway to heaven?

  • ballistic

    Here's 10p - go and phone your mum and say you've pulled.

  • happyout

    Worst line ever said to me "you must drink a lot of milk, 'cause milk does a body good" Yeesh

    Ok, I need to ask, what's "pulled"? I don't think that slang has made it to the states yet.


  • Simon

    I'm making a note of all these ... they are better than the ones I've been using !

    'pulled' means, well ... erm ... "wohoo"! ie. success, mission accomplished, return to base.

  • bittersweet

    ah Simon, I don't think you're supposed to be using any pick up lines...........

  • IronGland

    "The word for the day is legs. Lets go spread the word."

  • shamus

    You go up to a couple an say...

    "Hey, you're really ugly... but your girlfriend is kinda cute..."

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